He’s In This Too (#558) | The God Journey He’s In This Too (#558) | The God Journey

He’s In This Too (#558)

Before Wayne headed to heart surgery he and Brad discussed the just-concluded election (though they didn't know the results), the efficacy of prayer and how they utilize in their lives, and how we respond to suffering, or the prospect of it in this broken world. Reading an email he got from Dave Coleman about God being present in those moments that cause us great concern or pain, they discuss the power of God to be inside our pain with us and open a door to know him better through it. God's protection doesn't always save us from the brokenness of this world, but saves us through it. If so for Jesus, how much more for us? They also read one of the comments from the recent podcast on inerrancy. (Special Note: This may be the last podcast for awhile until Wayne is able to take the time he needs to recover from surgery. We won't be giving a lot of medical updates, but what we do will be on Lifestream.org and Wayne's Facebook Author Page.)

Podcast Notes:
You can find our latest update on our work in Kenya here.
Add your voice to our question/comment line via Skype at "TheGodJourney"


  1. Hi Wayne, at the beginning of this podcast, you mention a new trailer for The Shack movie. As soon as it is out, please post a link to it. (I found several “trailers” on youtube but none I saw could be the one you two rave about.) Thanks.

    • The Shack trailers on YouTube are not connected to the movie at all. They just used home-shot or stock footage to try to spin a tale. I will link not ht new one when it is available, though I’m usually the last to now. 🙂

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