From the Archive: Where It Began | The God Journey From the Archive: Where It Began | The God Journey

From the Archive: Where It Began

Wayne is still on hiatus this week, so let's visit the archives again. This podcast aired over a year and a half ago and unbeknownst to Wayne at the time planted the seeds for the book he has just completed. Are those who no longer attend Sunday services part of a scattering movement that is undermining the mission of the church in the world or are they in fact people looking beyond conformity-based environments for a more meaningful relationship with God and with others? Check out both this podcast, the one that followed it up, and the comments from both in the links below. It shows there is great hunger to see how Jesus is connecting his church in the world beyond our human efforts.

Podcast Links:
Link to Original Podcast: A Greater Gathering
Link to Follow-up Podcast" A Greater Gathering Aftermath
Add your voice to our question/comment line: (805) 539-6980 or Skype us at TheGodJourney.
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