Catching Up With Brad (#435)
For seven years Wayne and Brad Cummings walked the God Journey together as they shared their journeys with a growing audience of people around the world. Since then the've been involved in different projects that has not allowed their lives to connect as frequently, but today Brad is back! He joins Wayne as the two get a chance to renew their friendship and catch up on how God has been leading them. They talk about the process Brad is involved in to adapt THE SHACK into a movie, about living inside a growing friendship with God, and the deep longing for God that continues to draw them along their journeys. (You can find more podcasts with Brad in the archives. He co-hosted the podcast through August 2012.
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Nice to hear Brad again ! It’s nice to hear you both !
Nice to hear Brad, although I only was able to hear him in the archives, I truly enjoy the program. I agree the Shack will make a wonderful movie. The book I bought about a year or so ago, I’ve read and re-read it 5 times, always get something new out of it. Magical is a good term, better is Supernatural!
It is always special for me when you two get together. You play and work off each other in a way that can only be described as Spirit filled brother ship. That is not to say you are the same because you are very different. Besides my wife I only have one other person that I find a similar bond with as I see it you two. I await the day that Jesus gets all the bugs out of me that many more people will find it very comfortable to be around me and wanting that special relationship that comes with being one with the Lord.
Wonderful! Great to hear how ‘A man like no other’ is touching hearts. And an eye-opener as to how to pray for ‘The Shack’ as it makes its way onto the big screen, and for Brad in particular as he has to walk with Jesus through the darker sides of Hollywood. Was stirred by his describing his times of intimate worship as ‘the gaze of the soul’. This, one could see, was not some kind of legalistic, ‘ought to’ type of quiet time, but the natural response of a heart in love with Jesus. I have known such times. Thanks Wayne. Occasionally its good sometimes to look back , if only to appreciate how far we’ve come.
Wow! It’s amazing to hear you guys talk about “life”. My greatest pleasure in life is relationships; not only the relationships I have with people I meet and work with but also watching people interact with each other. Two years ago I was still trying to be a good Christian and so empty that I simply had no ambition to even do my job. Now looking back I’m amazed at how Father has changed me when I finally quit trying. Now I cringe when I hear about Christians with all their commitments and should’s. I actually enjoy talking with non-Christians more than with most Christians I know, because Christians have something to prove, whereas the non-Christians are just real. But the most amazing thing is I have a sister who I can talk to about life; we can talk for hours and never get half the stuff said that we want to say. In all the crap all of us face throughout our days, isn’t life absolutely incredible? It is good to be able to relax when there’s only a step ahead that’s visible; the more I plan my life, the more frustrated I get. I definitely want to see the shack in movie; the first time I read it I was very irritated because I wanted God to love me like that. The second time I was wondering if it could be true. Then I started to read He Loves Me, and a lot of my questions got answers. Now I’m actually starting to understand the expectancy versus expectations in relationships. Thanks for making the love material available for seekers who desire life.
Wayne, I just want to say a HUGE Thank you for how you shared about the need in Kenya. You didn’t use fear, shame or intimidation to raise finances. What a breath of fresh air. Wow, there really is freedom.
Kerri, you’re welcome. There really is freedom, and out of freedom springs generosity. What I love about getting contributions so close to the need means that everyone responded as God desired. Those who were free to give, gave. Those who were free not to give, did not give. When we know all things are in God’s hands we don’t have to pressure people to give, just give them the opportunity and let them respond. It is awesome!
Yesterday I wanted to walk a little bit as I had to wait for the bus for almost an hour. I ended up in a canyon and vaguely remembered Brad saying something about asking God to hold hands and do it together… The path was at times very rough, very steep, I had major surgery only a month ago and so I was really glad for Father’s hand steadying me…
In bed I listened to the podccast again to write down the exact text: “God, what are you doing today? What am I doing? Can we hold hands and do that together?” He also spoke about friendship with Father, enjoyment of that relationship and living in step with Father… and my hike through the canyon was an interesting “object lesson” for that truth.
My illness and 3 months in hospital have changed my life, on the surface in a negative way, no job, no money, more operations to come – but I really enjoy living with Father, being loved by him, putting on foot in front of the other and holding hands, navigating life together – and the best thing about it all is that he enjoys it even more than I do as he longs for the trust of his children and is very good at winning it, wooing us even if at times I don’t understand him…
Thank you Wayne and Brad for being such an encouragement – and what about Brad’s daughter? She was not mentionned in the podcast, I have to admit I forgot her name but I remember some of the stories he told about her, how she grows up without some of the “boundaries” his sons experienced… maybe in the next podcast 🙂
Hi Ana, her name is Taylor and she’s growing up too! I’d hate to guess her age now, but we saw her this summer and she’s quite a young lady and doing very well.
You guys made my Sunday! It was so good to hear you together again. It must have been what is was like listening to Tolkien and CS Lewis chat, or F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda Sayre… okay, no, more like listening to Martin and Lewis or Abbott and Costello. But you guys made a wonderful team.
Lets hope its less than 18 months til you record again.
Sarah you bring tears to my eyes,
Isn’t it awesome to watch Father change our values so drastically! Relationships for me is probably my greatest treasure too! It is so good to hear others finding the same values! Thanks for sharing!
The life talk that happens with others on the journey is so awesome too! I can’t get enough! There is always New stuff to talk about! The ravenous Hunger I feel for God has never been greater. Yet I have never been more satisfied in my whole life! How can these both be true?
Thanks : Wayne and Brad for catching up in front of us . I am rooting for a great outcome for both of your movies! This podcast /blog and every book you guys have wrote or worked on have been a very rich gold mine I have really enjoyed digging through. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the Brad update. It was fun to hear the two of you again banter back and forth… like the “good ol’ days”!!!!
hi wayne I love so much how you live what you believe and you do not use pressure, shame or guilt, but empower people to be free and free in their giving. :).
Brad be empowered in your adventure in hollywood. May, holy spirit continue to give you the words as required to correct or shape things as papa desires. brad, you and wayne are awesome, great examples and encouragements of people, following the call of god on their life and stepping out in faith allowing father to take and do the wonderus with and though you. :).
Wayne that’s a new concept to me of asking god to judge me everyday. for a while now I’ve learnt to focus on the positive and good in me (that my heart is a new creation, while I still allow papa to touch my brokenness but just don’t focus on it (influenced by john eldridge’s writings)). Maybe papa is balancing my views out even further. Maybe I have a different idea or incorrect idea of what judgement actually means. if your willing, able and god willing wayne, I’d love to explore this topic further with you either personally or hear you chat about it more on a podcast.
Was great to hear from Brad again! You guys had something special and I’m grateful for how Brad just brings it all back to Jesus. He said he’s at Wayne’s “beck and call” and I hope Wayne “becks” soon!
Dave, you caught the “beck and call” was tongue-in-cheek didn’t you? That’s why I called him on it. Brad is one busy bro and our day last was the fruit of six months of my backing and calling! 😉
I whole heartedly second what Kerri said!! It is VERY refreshing!! Who God is always seems to be that way, and having people just be his, and not take anything in their own hands also has that lovely affect…Extremely grateful…!!;)
Hi Brad …. It was so good to hear you again …..we have missed you!! Love from the Fyvies xx
Was nice to hear the banter and friendship in this podcast. Really enjoyed it.
I’m interested in having the judgement stuff fleshed out a bit more. I don’t fully get it, and in my work environment its something that is feared, which isn’t helping my understanding.
thankyou brad for your comment…hey god what are you doing today?what am i doing?can we hold hands and do that together
i met you and kelly with your church team around 15 years ago in st andrews scotland and God wiped me out that week during your stuff on the ark of the covenant to the point where i had to leave my nhs job as a speech therapist as i totally lost the ability to conform
its great to have found you