The Ladysmith Story | The God Journey The Ladysmith Story | The God Journey

The Ladysmith Story

Meet Stefan Vosloo and through him some wonderful brothers and sisters in South Africa. He was a pastor of a growing Vineyard church in Ladysmith before the hunger of that congregation for real relationship with God sent them on an amazing journey. God began to touch five things in their life together to move them from an old covenant religion to New Testament reality: priest, Sabbath, temple, sacrifice and tithing. His work in them and their response to him forever changed their life together. Wayne shares with Brad an interview he did with Stefan during his trip to South Africa last month. The process they went through and the life they have found in him together will encourage your own journey.


  1. More good stuff. Always wonderful to hear about how God is moving people to His life like this.

    Wayne, I especially liked your comment regarding Sacred Cow Tipping!!


  2. This whole story turns our view on God and what He is doing!

    Amazing! Encouraging! We are not alone on this journey 🙂

    Thank you all!

  3. This is all very interesting. I had no idea that there were people out there who weren’t either apathetic about their walk or filled with bitterness who have decided to experience God outside institutional structures. I have been in “relatively” great churches all my life. I have a Biblical Studies Degree. For the past few years I’ve started really thinking about and questioning the effectiveness of the way we “do church”. I appreciate the approach you are taking on TheGodJourney.com. I’ve eaten up all the webcasts in one week and can’t wait to hear the next one.

    Brad Mix
    Edmonton, Canada

  4. Several times I have tried downloading the podcase for “The Ladysmith Story” and end up with the “Out of the Church Christians” podcast instead. Is there anyway this could be fixed for us podcasters?

    Thanks, Wayne, for the Jake Colsen book. What a great read! As you probably hear many times, this book really speaks to some issues that I have been struggling with over the past few years. I have worked as a denominational church planting strategist, so I know the weaknesses of the IC from a vantage point that few people have (or would want to) experience. Now, I am an American working as an independent missionary in Wales (UK) trying to get alongside people who need Jesus, but don’t know it. It’s a process and sometimes takes a long time to gain people’s trust and a platform to share the gospel with them.

    I listen to the podcast on my frequent walks in the beautiful valleys of South Wales: a great chance to clear my head, talk with Father, and listen to you guys sharing in the journey! Thanks!!


  5. Bill,

    Somehow the link to The Ladysmith Story got mixed in iTunes with a previous one. As near as I can tell it is impossible to change that link to the right one. I’ve contacted the iTunes folks and get no response. You can always go to our Archive page, ‘download link’ to your desktop and then drag it into iTunes on your computer. Sorry we can’t make it any easier than that.

    I appreciate your comments about the Colsen book. Thank you very much. I’ve got to get that done. And I appreciate how long it can take to get an open door for the gospel. I imagine God understands that as well since it takes us so long t listen to him sometimes.

    I’ve been to Wales a few times, and have hiked the hills. Wow! Am I envious!



  6. Tried going to the archive page and it takes me to the same mixed up link. I even tried going back and forth date wise from this link on the archive page but have given up after about 5 in each direction. Maybe I didn’t understand your directions to Bill

  7. Doug,

    I’m sorry you’re having trouble here. All you need to do is click on the audio bar just beneath the podcast above or click on the broadband or dial-up link to the right of that and it should play fine. I don’t understand the error message there, but am having my web people look into that…

  8. All right, thank you. That works.

    By the way since I have “broken the barrier” of actually posting something, let me just say thank you for letting God use you in my walk. At some point several months ago I apparently bookmarked your website without really knowing anything about you and I don’t remember when or why I save it, never really looked at it.

    About three month ago I was leading a small group through the Divine Conspiracy by Willard. At the time our church was literally falling apart, it has now ceased to exist. Something about the way I was teaching (not Willard) began to sound even to me like more rules. I was frustrated by people’s lack of interest in transformation and my inability to shake anyone out of surface christianity.

    Then I was cleaning up my bookmark list and ran across your site and almost deleted it out of hand, going ‘who’s this guy and how did this get here?’

    Fortunately I started to listen to Transition. Revolutionary would be one way to put it. Scriptures I had stumbled over are now becoming rich with Father’s love. I have a growing strength and peace in Father. In short while I am still working through those places in Scripture where Father frankly sounds pretty tough and wondering how to reach people holding on to that image, there is a light and a new freshness in my walk and a growing ease to my approach with others. He has used your stuff to open Himself to me in a deeper loving way than I got before and I want more! (of Him, not you necessarily, I’m sure you understand). Thanks

  9. One day I will write and express more fully how grateful I am to God for this website and the books.

    In the meantime, one question: The Sabbath was part of the ten commandments. How does this work that God seems to be moving away from that and towards something different?



  10. Esther, Jesus seemed to think that the Pharisees had it wrong about the Sabbath. Even his Father was “always working” and that included the Sabbath as he healed and loved others. Under the new covenant (Hebrews 3-4) we see the Sabbath is not about a day, but a way of living in God’s rest that he has prepared for all of us. So, no I don’t observe the Sabbath as they did under the old covenant. It was only a shadow of a greater reality. But Romans 14 says it best. Some regard a particular day as meaningful, and others regard all days the same. Let each be convinced in their own mind and live accordingly. If for you the Sabbath is a command of God, then observe it with joy and freedom, but do not put that burden on others who see it differently.

  11. Hi Wayne
    Just listen to The Ladysmith Story , as i live in Cape Town SA. I have such a longing to meet people who walk this journey in Fathers love out side the box.
    Is there any contack that i can follow up , would be so pleased if you can let me know.
    Love this journey just feels so alone
    Thanks Gabriel

  12. Gabriel, I just sent your request and email to Stephan, whom we interviewed on that podcast. He may be in touch with you if he has the inclination to do so. I was in Cape Town last fall. There are some wonderful folks there, I hope some of them see your post here. Blessings!

  13. Thanks to Stefan Vosloo for his willing honesty. I find myself today (2/5/’11) at the same place he was describing in the podcast. God has challenged me in each of the five areas he describes. I have degrees in Theology (B.Th. (hons) & M.Th.) and felt threatened by the prospect of not being able to enter the job market at 52 years of age with few marketable skills. On this point I am still wrestling. On the congregational front, we have moved from traditional meetings to more interactive and inter-personal gatherings.

    This is not easy. I have said to the people in our ministry that I have embarked upon a journey and they are free to follow me on the voyage of discovery. I have many questions, doubts, uncertainties, and fears. As foolish as that may sound, I am encouraged that there is something, or more accurately Someone, who is walking this way with me.

    I am based in Cape Town, South Africa, and I would love to be able to compare notes with people on this journey.

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