Religion’s Downfall
16 CommentsAccording to some the rapture is at hand, so this may be our last podcast. But Wayne and Brad share...
Your compassion for both God and his children is refreshing and honest.
These podcasts are feeding a hungry spirit with truth, removing brick by brick the walls of performance in my life.
The podcast truly inspires me every time I listen
You articulate what I am feeling. Somehow I don't feel alone when I listen to you.
"Your ability to be naked with your thoughts, experiences, and feelings are a gift in a post-modern world, and it feels like poetry"
…discussing complex issues in an interesting, funny, simple way. I look forward to each podcast.
Yours is a sane voice in a crazy world.
Love how you talk about real stuff, worldly & faith. Has helped through difficult times.
It’s simply real people talking about life…
My entire outlook on life has changed overnight! My life has Life again!
According to some the rapture is at hand, so this may be our last podcast. But Wayne and Brad share...
The last few podcasts brought a wealth of listener comment and questions about God's love and dealing with sin in...
Wayne and Brad discuss the demise of Osama Bin Laden in a US raid in Pakistan last weekend and its...
If hell did not exist, would it change one thing about your relationship or passion to follow Jesus? Rob Bell's...
Wayne introduces Brad to his long-time friend, Gayle Erwin, author of The Jesus Style and many other books about the...
First Christchurch, NZ, then Sendai, Japan, is California next? If you listen to some of the prophecies flying around these...
Meet LeeRoy (pictured at left). Wayne met him last week on his trip to New England. Though he desperately wanting...
After the three last offerings that covered sexual addiction, the questions about hell, and sexual brokenness, Wayne and Brad comb...
Renee grew up in a Christian environment but found herself in her late teens dealing with same-sex attraction. That led...
Yes, we are being a bit tongue and cheek with the title and are not advocating violence against those from...
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