Into A More Spacious Place
19 CommentsIf you're hungry for meaningful relationships with other brothers and sisters don't wait for someone to come up with a...
These podcasts are feeding a hungry spirit with truth, removing brick by brick the walls of performance in my life.
The podcast truly inspires me every time I listen
My entire outlook on life has changed overnight! My life has Life again!
You articulate what I am feeling. Somehow I don't feel alone when I listen to you.
Love how you talk about real stuff, worldly & faith. Has helped through difficult times.
Yours is a sane voice in a crazy world.
It’s simply real people talking about life…
"Your ability to be naked with your thoughts, experiences, and feelings are a gift in a post-modern world, and it feels like poetry"
Your conversations are like a cool breeze on a hot day.
It is so freeing to listen to free people chatting and laughing as they discuss life.
If you're hungry for meaningful relationships with other brothers and sisters don't wait for someone to come up with a...
Obviously last week's podcast touched a very large nerve, so Wayne follows up with some of his impressions from all...
Are those who no longer attend Sunday services part of a scattering movement that is undermining the mission of the...
What do you do when God doesn't provide in the way you hoped or prayed for? You can either grow...
In the last podcast of the year Wayne takes on a question from our comment line about whether we need...
Wayne takes time to read through some wonderful listener input since the last podcast as people are learning to jump...
In a world replete with books, seminars, curriculums and classes designed to teach you how to have a relationship with...
Does religious thinking actually make it more difficult to know God and if so, what can we do about it?...
This past summer was a strange one for Wayne and Sara as God set about to do a deeper work...
What do you do when your thirty-years old, and the hunger you have for God is unfulfilled by the religious...
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