How Shall We Then Pray? (#452)
10 CommentsEverywhere you look our world is in crisis--the atrocities of ISIS, ongoing conflict and hatred in the Middle East, the...
It is so freeing to listen to free people chatting and laughing as they discuss life.
These podcasts are feeding a hungry spirit with truth, removing brick by brick the walls of performance in my life.
Your conversations are like a cool breeze on a hot day.
Yours is a sane voice in a crazy world.
Love how you talk about real stuff, worldly & faith. Has helped through difficult times.
Your compassion for both God and his children is refreshing and honest.
…discussing complex issues in an interesting, funny, simple way. I look forward to each podcast.
It’s simply real people talking about life…
I don't think you realize what a lifeline the podcasts have been.
You articulate what I am feeling. Somehow I don't feel alone when I listen to you.
Everywhere you look our world is in crisis--the atrocities of ISIS, ongoing conflict and hatred in the Middle East, the...
There's a world of difference between trusting that God loves you because Scripture says so, and trusting the one of...
What if the church Jesus is building looks more like wildflowers strewn across an alpine meadow than a walled garden...
Wayne is still on hiatus this week, so let's visit the archives again. This podcast aired over a year and...
Wayne is out of town with his family as they deal with his mother's passing, so there is no new...
Wayne reads the new first chapter of the book he is just completing, Finding Church: What If There Really Is...
The look behind the curtain can be incredibly disorienting the first time around. Our assumptions that everyone engaged in our...
In this kingdom getting to the end of our rope is not to be feared, but celebrated. At the end...
Brad is back as Wayne invites him into some of the God Journey's recent interaction in blogs and emails about...
Brad is back in the house celebrating with Wayne the completion of his newest book, Finding Church: What If There...
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