Letting His Joy Guide You (#949)
2 Comments"I say these things to you that my joy might be in you and your joy might be full." Jesus...
Yours is a sane voice in a crazy world.
It’s simply real people talking about life…
It is so freeing to listen to free people chatting and laughing as they discuss life.
…discussing complex issues in an interesting, funny, simple way. I look forward to each podcast.
Keep slinging that freedom all over the place.
The podcast truly inspires me every time I listen
I don't think you realize what a lifeline the podcasts have been.
You articulate what I am feeling. Somehow I don't feel alone when I listen to you.
These podcasts give me language and an eye to see what God was doing inside me.
Love how you talk about real stuff, worldly & faith. Has helped through difficult times.
"I say these things to you that my joy might be in you and your joy might be full." Jesus...
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In the mid-1100s, Bernard of Clairvaux, a mystic and monk in France, considered how we experience the love of God....
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