The Sins Against Me, Too? (#646)
12 Comments"Jesus' death didn't just absorb my sin on the cross, but also all the sins others have committed against me."...
Your compassion for both God and his children is refreshing and honest.
The podcast truly inspires me every time I listen
I don't think you realize what a lifeline the podcasts have been.
Yours is a sane voice in a crazy world.
These podcasts give me language and an eye to see what God was doing inside me.
Keep slinging that freedom all over the place.
You articulate what I am feeling. Somehow I don't feel alone when I listen to you.
My entire outlook on life has changed overnight! My life has Life again!
It is so freeing to listen to free people chatting and laughing as they discuss life.
Your conversations are like a cool breeze on a hot day.
"Jesus' death didn't just absorb my sin on the cross, but also all the sins others have committed against me."...
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