What It Means to Love One Another (#684)
12 CommentsWayne's co-author om So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore, joins him for today's podcast and shares some...
Keep slinging that freedom all over the place.
I don't think you realize what a lifeline the podcasts have been.
Your compassion for both God and his children is refreshing and honest.
These podcasts give me language and an eye to see what God was doing inside me.
…discussing complex issues in an interesting, funny, simple way. I look forward to each podcast.
"Your ability to be naked with your thoughts, experiences, and feelings are a gift in a post-modern world, and it feels like poetry"
These podcasts are feeding a hungry spirit with truth, removing brick by brick the walls of performance in my life.
It is so freeing to listen to free people chatting and laughing as they discuss life.
It’s simply real people talking about life…
Love how you talk about real stuff, worldly & faith. Has helped through difficult times.
Wayne's co-author om So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore, joins him for today's podcast and shares some...
[NOTE: We realize not everyone will have watched this series, and others will have significant concerns about the graphic violence...
Many of you were with us fifteen years ago, when Brad and I discussed a novel we were helping to...
"A power structure that is accountable only to itself will always end up abusing the powerless." So says James Carroll...
You can't force anyone into a relationship, but you can invite them. Julie Williams stays over from last week's podcast...
For the years our children are growing up in our homes, there is no greater glorious calling than to help...
Wayne's finished up his two-week trip to Europe in Vallorbe, Switzerland at the home of his good friends, Silvio and...
One of the great wonders of our redemption in Christ is joy and freedom of finding our way beyond the...
The podcast begins with an extensive report on Kenya, with all that's going on over there right now. Listeners to...
Wayne's daughter, Julie, joins him for this podcast that begins with some listener comments and questions about parenting. They also...
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