A Better Way to Love
8 CommentsThe new year begins. Some take this as a time to reflect on their lives to take stock of the...
The new year begins. Some take this as a time to reflect on their lives to take stock of the...
Merry Christmas to The God Journey audience, where a discussion about the Incarnation of Jesus turns into a celebration of...
Quoting Romans 8:28 to a friend in college, almost got Wayne punched in the mouth. What does it mean that...
The mailbag is filled to overflowing with wonderful stories of God's work in people and with questions and comments from...
If God is all about relationships, then why do his followers have so much trouble with them? Some honest questions...
It's tragic how religion demands that we settle for the status quo, even if it is distasteful and irrelevant, rather...
Wayne is back from Germany with some interesting observations about the "scatteredness" of the body of Christ in the world...
What do you do when you can't seem to find God? Many people who are captivated by the message of...
As long as our focus is on attending (or not attending) religious services, whether we're reacting to them or thinking...
The aftermath of tribal violence: Widows caring for orphans in the slums of Eldoret In the last podcast we invited...