The Community of a New Creation (#450)
8 CommentsWhat if the church Jesus is building looks more like wildflowers strewn across an alpine meadow than a walled garden...
What if the church Jesus is building looks more like wildflowers strewn across an alpine meadow than a walled garden...
Wayne is still on hiatus this week, so let's visit the archives again. This podcast aired over a year and...
Wayne is out of town with his family as they deal with his mother's passing, so there is no new...
Wayne reads the new first chapter of the book he is just completing, Finding Church: What If There Really Is...
The look behind the curtain can be incredibly disorienting the first time around. Our assumptions that everyone engaged in our...
In this kingdom getting to the end of our rope is not to be feared, but celebrated. At the end...
Brad is back as Wayne invites him into some of the God Journey's recent interaction in blogs and emails about...
Brad is back in the house celebrating with Wayne the completion of his newest book, Finding Church: What If There...
There is a Conversation of Life going on around the world that allows the kingdom of God to grow in...
If you're counting anything as a sign of your fruitfulness in God's kingdom, you're already a step away from God's...