Creating Space Where God Is Known (#475)
16 CommentsWhat part do each of us play in our growing relationship with the transcendent God? Wayne and Kevin's conversation continues...
What part do each of us play in our growing relationship with the transcendent God? Wayne and Kevin's conversation continues...
Trusting God is not, as some may assert, a blind leap into the darkness. Trust is the fruit of a...
The life of Jesus is not found in a guiding set of principles to base your life on. It is...
She is rising from all the places where she has long been hidden, revealing the Father's glory through a growing...
Last week's podcast generated so many questions and comments than Wayne revisits the discussion about sexuality and the religious rhetoric...
The expansion of gay rights in American culture in unprecedented in the last five years and has dramatically changed the...
It seems like everyone is talking about the decline of the traditional congregation, though it is often in vastly different...
How many times have you prayed that God would change a circumstance or take away an emotion that causes you...
In his year-end podcast Wayne clears out his desk at the end of the year and with it a number...
Moments of transition are possible where we look beyond our circumstances and get a glimpse of a greater reality and...