All or Nothing (#651)
9 Comments"Does every area of your life honor Jesus?" That question came from a listener and opened the door to an...
"Does every area of your life honor Jesus?" That question came from a listener and opened the door to an...
It's a horrible thing to feel like someone else's victim, especially with wounds that have held on for decades. When...
Is God's love only something we read about in the Scriptures and know in our heads, or does he want...
Being right with each other is far more important to God than being right about an issue. Misunderstanding is the...
A dip into the mailbag finds some questions about dealing with people who feel led by the Spirit to try...
"Jesus' death didn't just absorb my sin on the cross, but also all the sins others have committed against me."...
"Blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over me." Jesus said in Matthew 11:6. What did he mean by that?...
Wayne and Brad spend some time mulling over last week's podcast with Jack Gerry about his family's encounter with Alzheimer's...
It's one thing to be certain of God's love when all is well and quite another to find it deeply...
Chris DuPré has had an interesting God Journey that we originally told on a podcast in 2010 as this long...