It’s Time for God’s Revealing (#976)

"The Creation waits in anxious expectation for the children of God to be revealed," wrote Paul in Romans 8. That is the heart of Wayne's newest book, It's Time: Letters to the Bride of Christ at the End of the Age. Together, Kyle and Wayne drill down into the themes and motivations behind writing this book. Why does Wayne think the end of the age is near? What does he hope this book puts in the world? The themes of this podcast include the importance of a resilient trust, an others-focused way of living, and how God develops those in us as we traverse adversity with him.

Podcast Notes:


  1. I loved this. I resonated with so much of it. I have a story from my own life a few years ago that your podcast made so much sense of..walking through a truly dark time with no idea of what could humanly help me and yet clinging to the Father’s promises and love.I felt desperate as a human and yet there was always an underlying peace that I was being held through it all.I know I was.I walked around my house in tears reading the Psalms out loud to my dogs and it was the last thread of my faith operating when I almost couldn’t anymore as a human facing so much pain. God carried me.I know he did.I only told one person-I don’t belong to a church, but I belong to Jesus and it saved me then as it will in these coming times.Thank you so much for this.I will be buying your book. Much love and blessing, Jules x

    • Jules, “reading the Psalms out loud to my dogs” I love that so much. I sometimes lay hands on and pray for my aging dogs but never occured to literally read the bible to her! Since i have no children to read to, being it’s just myself and Keiko, it makes since to read to her – out loud as you say. Thank you for sharing that!
      I have to always share this link to the “God and Dog” video, that makes me joyfully cry everytime i watch it. If you love it, please share.

  2. I like the end times doesn’t have to be scary. These days it seems everyone is preaching about it but it’s never an uplifting sermon. Lots of good thoughts here. Thanks you !

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