Finding Real Connection (#975) | The God Journey Finding Real Connection (#975) | The God Journey

Finding Real Connection (#975)

Kyle is back from a community symposium regarding the mental health of youth and invites Wayne into a conversation about where community happens for people, especially those who have not experienced it in more natural ways. Real connection and community flow best out of the adventure of a journey as Jesus guides us through life and is often expressed through intergenerational relationships. It's why so many of our attempts to fabricate community through programs or conformity-based cultures often fall flat. Reaching out to others through friendship is a critical resource for those struggling around us.

Podcast Notes:


  1. In my opinion, the biggest obstacle to community is trust, especially if it isn’t modeled by those we expect it from. I learned first to trust Jesus, then others as I am able. I take comfort in the fact that even Jesus was betrayed, when it happens in my own life. And Jesus sought solitude during the most difficult and trying times of His life. Jesus valued community for sure, yet put it in its proper perspective.

  2. Hello! Very interesting to John & I that we just found this ministry! We just read the “He Loves Me!” (found at a 2nd hand store for 1$) and watched the “Community podcast”. Then we listened to this podcast on “Finding Real Connection”. Guess what.?………last night in our local library we found “The Shack” in the free section! We are thinking Kyle is here in Gillette, Wyoming and we’d like for you to pass our email along to him. We’d love to make a connection with him. Also, Gillette just held a mental health seminar!

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