The Seduction of Gossip (#974)

What did Paul know about life in Jesus that made him boast gladly about his weaknesses? Wayne and Kyle landed on this verse toward the end of the previous podcast, and Kyle wanted to circle back to it again.  Paul not only tolerated difficulties in his life, he actually came to a place where he could delight in weakness, insults, hardships, persecution, and difficulties. Somehow, he knew that at his weakest was when God was at his most powerful, and that became a source of great joy for him. What did he know that we have yet to learn?

Podcast Notes:


  1. Thank you for The God Journey!
    My favorites in today’s podcast:
    ~Let the Truth disturb you, yes please!
    ~Gossip – murder to any kind of relationship.
    ~Stepping away from the ritual of TV at evening/night- I haven’t done it yet but I want to. Probably not completely but definitely need to keep my soul, heart, mind ready to counter attack my enemies: fear, loneliness, envy and laziness.

  2. Gossip, that pretty much is all of Politics. And when we put our own personal unique spin on political gossip and share it with others, are we maybe creeping up on Slander.

    How would it change the way I view and relate to people if I looked at people and I saw Christ first. Not just the person whose testimony is that they prayed a prayer, but for everybody I see, hear, encounter or think about.


    Why do I Love You and others don’t? Thanks for those postcasts of yours..don’t want to waste my time anymore with ” gossip ” in this world..prefering being in silence, with Him, heart to heart,Face to face, even body to body sometimes when i struggle whith Jacob?hate ” gossip”, love His Truth…Jesus, forgive me when i listen to or give myself into this “gossip” difficult to stop our ” toungue” talking…or stop our ” ears” listening..thank You when You “alert” me i’am on the slippery slope…

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