One Day at a Time (#969) | The God Journey One Day at a Time (#969) | The God Journey

One Day at a Time (#969)

2025 has arrived!  Wayne and Sara take this opportunity to reflect on the last year and what needed to change in their hearts to absorb the surprises that last year heaped upon them. They talk about the nitty-gritty of taking one day at a time and how that sometimes coincides with our need to plan for future events. Since grace is apportioned one day at a time, whenever we allow ourselves to live in our imagined future we are usually alone because we just can't imagine how God will be with us when the future unfolds. Here are some practical ideas about sitting with God in our pain and letting him turn our challenges into new opportunities.


Podcast Notes:

  • There is no video recording of this podcast
  • Read Wayne's newest book, It's Time


  1. A small note of appreciation Sara and Wayne…so helpful to hear your processing. I will come back when I can listen to this download…in a season which appears Jesus walking me through suffering relationally, I am willing to process this with him and you are one of a few voices Jesus speaks to me through. This movement out of religion into knowing his love is a process for the patient!

  2. I love these episodes where Sara joins you in communicating what is happening for you both right now. I love hearing her voice, not necessarily the physical voice (although that is lovely too) but the voice from her heart. I can see her emerging from her years of being in the shadows to becoming a person with something to say.
    I love hearing the process you are both going through and how you are learning to walk with Father despite the frightful circumstances you are dealing with on any given day. It is terrible to think that what you are both going through is such a blessing for others, like ‘why was this man born blind?’ – ‘so you could see the glory of God!’. But the reality it is that multitudes are going through the very things that you two are experiencing and negotiating, and they haven’t had the ability to process it as you two have. So I pray that those multitudes will have the chance to benefit from what you share.
    As for thinking negatively about the future, I loved what I heard Paul Young talk about as ‘Future Tripping’. We take trips into the future almost always with a negative attitude, but sometimes even with positive desires, but because Grace is only for today, our future tripping doesn’t include the Grace of God that is needed for us to face that future. He talks about living ‘one moment at a time’, knowing that the full force of Grace is in that moment. He also talks about ‘trusting the ripples’, which I haven’t fully come to understand how he means that, but I am sure I will as time goes forward.
    I bless you both for 2025. For insights and understandings of Father that neither of you have ever even contemplated could be true so far. For total healing, both physically and emotionally and to find an even clearer insight to your True North. Huge hugs ?

  3. I get Sara’s comment. For me – prepare for the worst, pray for the best, but live it one moment at a time. Doesn’t make sense when you try to explain it.

  4. Like the song says, “I beg your pardon, I didn’t promise you a rose garden.” There are wonderful promises about God’s love and care for us We love those ones and we believe that if we have sickness or chaos in our lives it is because we have sinned or lack faith. have learned to keep reading. In Is. 43 God says that He has called us by name, we are His and this is followed by WHEN you walk through fire I m there with you, WHEN you are overwhelmed in the waters I am with you. Ps.91 promises that for those living under the shadow of God’s wings no harm would come upon them. Keep reading and you again find God being present with you through everything that comes your way. Life isn’t supposed to be a rose garden without rain, wind and thorns. It is supposed to bring us into communion with our Father.

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