The Anxiety of Intimacy (#968) | The God Journey The Anxiety of Intimacy (#968) | The God Journey

The Anxiety of Intimacy (#968)

"There is no terror like the terror of being known," wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. That's the conundrum of the quest of intimacy. There is no need more central to the human experience than to be fully known and loved, and "there is no greater pain than the pain of intimacy severed—by betrayal, by distance, by death." Wayne stumbled upon an article this week regarding desire for intimacy and the anxiety it creates in those who seek it. Kyle and Wayne see this issue from very different angles as you'll see in this insightful conversation about intimacy and vulnerability in a world where people can often not be trusted with either. Since the need for intimacy is as foundational as our daily hunger, how do we address that need and negotiate the fall-out when people misuse our vulnerability.

Podcast Notes: