Observations from a Pit (#965) | The God Journey Observations from a Pit (#965) | The God Journey

Observations from a Pit (#965)

As many of you know, Wayne has been battling some medical issues that began with excruciating pain and resulted in back surgery to fuse part of his spine and chemotherapy to deal with the bone cancer that caused it. Wayne felt well enough this week to talk with Kyle about what he's dealing with medically and how this ordeal affects his relationship with God. These are not refined conclusions coming from resolved circumstances but honest reflections from the pit of raw need. How do God and Wayne communicate at times like this? How do you deal with escalating pain that prayer doesn't seem to move? How does faith lead us to endurance and how do losesight of God when he doesn't respond the way we want him to?

Podcast Notes:

  • No video recording was made of this podcast.
  • Read Wayne's newest book, It's Time


  1. Hi Wayne and Kyle, available to listen to podcast later….saw you had recorded and simply saying “thank you” for processing and sharing this conversation w/ us. Rather than looking for answers, have found your “processing out loud” VERY encouraging. Blessings, Sue

  2. Hi Wayne we have just finished listening to your podcast. I really empathise with you for the pain you are suffering with. It was so uplifting how you shared your journey over the past 7 weeks and the way the Lord is teaching you new ways through your pain.
    In 2016 I began a journey of chronic pain with the Lord, night & day it never left me. I think the worst times were in the night and I didn’t know how to deal with the pain that I could not get any relief from. All meds I had been prescribed didn’t touch the pain, scans didn’t show what the problem was after 2 years and paying for a special scan my problem was highlighted. I had a trapped nerve between 2 vertebrae at L4/L5. Once I received the diagnosis the Neuro Surgeon performed a spinal fusion. My surgery was a success but it was a full 2 years of recovery. In all of my journey I once read Make Pain your Friend. I thought how can a friend cause you to go through all this agonising pain.
    Prov 3:5/6 became my friend that scripture became life to me. Even when I didn’t understand what was happening to me I would say yet Lord I Trust you. Another life scripture for me in my recovery was and still is today Psalm 73:25/26. You spoke those words on your podcast I have been in a place where there is nothing I desire on earth but God Himself.
    Nothing else satisfies. John Wesley wrote in a book I read years ago on healing “This body is for you Lord and you are for my body.” Our whole life belongs to the Lord Spirit, Soul & Body. To find Rest & Contentment in God in the midst of suffering with pain is great gain. His Grace is sufficient for all our needs. 2 years ago whilst visiting our daughter in Australia Jesus came and asked me if I wanted to be well. John 5. He lifted something off my life that had been sitting there since 2016 and He healed me. Let God walk with you and in His time He will do a new thing in your life. Bless you Wayne this is a Special season in your life to lay hold of.?

  3. I am so sorry for what you and Sara are facing right now. I can’t begin to comprehend what such frightful pain is like for you and an unknown future. Accept that we know your future is in His hands as are you and Sara. I bless you in Jesus name with such an awareness of His intimate presence in and through you.
    Joyce. ?

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