This Changes Everything Part 5 (#963)

Kyle and Wayne complete their five-part series with Tobie van der Westhuizen, from Bloemfontein, South Africa. In this episode, they go all the way back to Adam and Eve and how the fall subjected them to a world of injustice and how God provided a way for his fullness of love and life to displace the injustice in our own hearts. Now, through our participation in his sacrifice, we have his life within us and we can be a distributor of life in the world, instead of seeking to find our life in others or in the temptations of darkness. This is the fifth in a series that will be best appreciated by listening to them all in order.

Podcast Notes:


  1. Wayne, I haven’t commented here since 2009. Journey For The Hungry was the episode. January 18. Listening today inspired me to suggest the best explanations of “Justice” I’ve read. It’s a little tough to read through though. It’s the 39th sermon in a series by George MacDonald entitled Unspoken Sermons simply titled Justice.

    It was 15 years ago that I found your podcast. In desperation I just Googled, to the airless stratosphere of the ethernet “I don’t want to go to church anymore”. You threw me a life ring back then. Thank you for your devotion.

    My journey was rough for the subsequent 10 years. I landed at the dead end of a very wrong road. In the wrong town, with the wrong person, I sat on the wrong person’s couch and told Jesus, as best as I could remember him, “I can’t hurt anymore” I somehow envisioned him smiling back at me. Expecting more airless silence I heard “Do you hurt right now?” I looked up trying to see. Vaguely I somehow sensed him just standing patiently in front of me. I had to think… “No… I said, because I’m talking to you”. “But I can’t be alone anymore” I pleaded with him to understand. He smiled again and asked “Do you feel alone right now?” Again, I thought… “No… because I’m talking to you.”
    He smiled again. “I’ve been with you all this time, I’ll be here every moment for the rest of your life.”

    Faith, to me, it’s making something real, that can’t be proven to be real. The last five years has been me doing everything I can do to make him real. He’s been here all the time, I just wouldn’t look at him. Now I look at him many times in the day. I’ve recovered most of all I threw away over those ten years, my family most importantly. I have been a Christian for 50 years, five years ago Jesus saved me. You and Brad were the church greeters that stood outside the building, welcoming me into a reality of life inside Jesus where no one can push me out. Thanks for you help.

    • Alan, I’m touched by your journey and hurt for all the pain you’ve endured, but I love that you’re finding him present now with you and you’ve been able to recover most of what you threw away. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Others have pointed out that same essay on Justice by McDonald. He was a wise and wonderful writer.

  2. Thank you for this conversation, it’s helping so much. I was thinking about the thorn picture and realized a thorn
    also provides protection as well as a seeking for life. My biggest desire growing up was for safety and security. As an adult with precious children to care for, I became involved with a cult that proclaimed it’s own interpretation of righteousness that promised safety. It was very destructive. Jesus returned to me our first love after I suffered a nervous breakdown and He has been growing His life more and more ever since. Thank you for shining even more light on His wonderful ways.

    • That’s very insightful, Kathy. Thanks for posting your insight here. Putting safety above all else can lead us down some dark roads. I’m so sorry for all the pain you went through but glad Jesus is redeeming it in beautiful ways… Blessings to you and your journey.

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