Unmanipulatable (#953)

What would it be like to recognize and step around people's attempts to manipulate us for their own agenda? That's the through line of this conversation with Wayne and Kyle that meanders all over the place—from drag queens at the Olympics, to why Jesus rejoices more over the one lost sheep than the ninety-nine still back in the pen, to a look at The Sound of Music, and finally manipulation tactics of the Central Intelligence Agency. They celebrate the reality of "growing and blooming forever" as the culmination of our journeys here and offer a possibility of what life in the spirit might be, rather than us just doing whatever he says.

Podcast Notes:


  1. Wayne, I have been contemplating your thoughts on living from the spirit. It resonates as living from our heart which is our true selves and where His spirit resides. Jesus living with and thru us vs the common phrase “living FOR Jesus” which usually translates to adhering to a belief/belonging system.

    Someone once said about Bob Dylan’s “Christian” music phase, “I don’t want to hear Dylan sing “Christian” music. I want to hear a Christian Bob Dylan write and sing music.”

    I think that rings true for all of us.

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