The Gethsemane Prayer (#937)
"Not my will, but yours be done." We are familiar with the words and it's easy to tack them on to the end of our prayers as a token to submission. However, the power of these words come not as a tagline but when we let God melt our hearts enough in the whatever situation we find ourselves to choose his past, rather than making it about ourselves. Kyle and Wayne explore the journey of wholeheartedness that wanders through the ugly places where God makes his wonder known in life-transforming ways when we lay down what we think is best to choose what God knows to be.
Podcast Notes:
- The video recording of this podcast.
- The second chapter of Wayne's new book: Is This Really Where it Ends?
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Wow guys! This conversation is such a beautiful scooping-up and bringing together of so many things that you’ve been reflecting on. Very whole-hearted.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this
sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make
all things right if I
surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy
in this life, and supremely
happy with Him forever in
the next.
Reinhold Niebuhr (1926)
See also our version of it: Serenity, courage & wisdom.
12 steps without god
What a way to live!
Randy, Thanks for the link to the video with Jenna Riemersma. IFS therapy is very helpful. Wayne had introduced us to the book “The Body Keeps the Score”, where the author spends a good amount of time laying out the IFS therapy. My local library had that ebook along with Jenna Riemersma’s book “Altogether You”, I’m exploring it now. She’s very relatable. The subject of Trauma is very compelling. I think unhealthy notions of God may cause Trauma.
Your very welcome Perry. I’ve been through Bessels book and all his podcast interviews I could find on YouTube. Glad your enjoying Jenna as well. I’m reading her book now. She has some good resources that are free on her web page too. Godspeed on your healing journey! Shalom ?
Neither the religious or rebellious sons of a loving Father had a loving relationship with him. For podigals who come to themselves still seeking their own comfort how long does it take them to realize the fathers love for them? How long does it take them to eliminate enough of their self protective mechanisms to hear the messages of the Father’s love for them. This reminds me of an AA quote,”Stick around and let us love you until you learn to love yourself”. I’m still in the process of learning what that might mean . Trauma can cause a sense of aloneness fostering a belief that God’s not in our boat and previously given clear instructions for us to row to the other side. Without participatory knowing, prepositional, procedural and perspectival knowing are meaningless as Solomon concludes. I have aspirations to live John 17:3 but don’t currently have the capacity to trust God to comfort me. I’m not even sure He’s in the boat with me. Living Hebrews 11:39 in my condition looks nothing like whole hearted abundant life. I don’t even have the capacity currently to count the cost. Like the Israelites told Moses give us a 10 step plan and we’ll do it ourselves. This grace walk is full of too many amorphous mysteries and the unknown terrifies us…..We need certainty!
No, we need faith not certainty. But relational faith that comes from an interaction with Father that gives us comfort and direction. Unfortunately, Christianity has blotted that out with all the to do lists. So sad. It is a journey and he will win you into it, Randy, as you just keep leaving his way in whatever capacity you have. He will grow it by has exchanges with you . Grace without relationship, is too amorphous to do is any good. But Grace with connection is the adventure of a lifetime. I’m praying you relax into that reality.
Thank you for the reply and your continued prayers. I appreciate you. Regarding the last line of my previous post it was intended to be humorous. Again similar to Kyle I have listened to a plethora of your podcasts and was attempting to be playful. My pastor has a sermon I listen to titled God’s slow pace of transformation. Honestly I’d have to rename it . Maybe something like God’s apparently transforming others who don’t even believe in Him at a faster pace than He is me. This lands me in the same place of asking God and myself what’s wrong with me? Here I go again for another lap around the mountain of self effort in a futile attempt to fix what’s wrong with me. I’m still working on the last personal advice you gave me to determine how God’s trying to communicate with me. I enjoyed Kyle’s description of his conversing with God through his Journaling. In AA I learned it decades ago and it was called 2 way prayer and to this day its still widely utilized. Hope your trip to the east coast is blessed and again I appreciate you and God’s ministry. May we all be filled with belly laughter participating in His love,rest and play! Shalom
Thanks for clarifying, Randy. I couldn’t tell how much humor was in that and didn’t want to assume. This journey can be frustrating at times, for all of us and things don’t usually shift as fast as we would like in our hearts, at least we only notice the slow ones. When things happen quickly, we perhaps take less note of them. Usually the internal focus of “What’s wrong with me?” isn’t too helpful. I keep coming back to he does all things well. And he does, though not usually at my pace or how I would prefer. But he does it right. Blessings to your journey! And thanks for your thoughts and prayers for our trip.