Praying for a Wayward Bride (#936) | The God Journey Praying for a Wayward Bride (#936) | The God Journey

Praying for a Wayward Bride (#936)

"Truth has been weaponized by the enemy to shift the focus from Jesus. The ‘truth’ as many believers see it has been removed from Him who is truth; it’s a talk about Him and His truth rather than with Him in love." Those words in an email from a listener's own journey came at a propitious time in Wayne's life, and processing it with Kyle takes them further into what it means to gaze with God at the events of the world. It has led Wayne to pray for the Bride of Christ and talk to her like he did to Sara in the days of there separation. Kindly and tenderly, is the way God reaches into our delusions to open the way for truth and love to find a home in her heart. 

Podcast Notes:



  1. Wayne, this is beautiful! God is always so amazing in the ways He loves us.
    If you end up in northern Texas let me know. We are in Paradise, Texas.

    Terri Sapien 🙂

    • That he is! Wow, a blast from the past! You brought a smile to my face when I saw your name. I don’t think we’ll be in North Texas this trip. Going out for the eclipse, but will be near Austin and then head east from there, but we would love to see you again someday.

  2. I love this episode! And I also hate it! It made me cry. I am in this same spot of Jesus trying to soften my heart towards the church. Jesus tugged me to read John 5 – and in it is this contrasting picture of healing a man without any words at all – the man didn’t even know who Jesus was; and then all the words Jesus exchanged with the Pharisees directly after about who he was – and I asked Jesus “what is the point? Why waste your time? They were already hardened against you – all they cared about was the rules and the power they got from enforcing them. Why talk to them and hardly say two words to the broken man?” This episode speaks to that I think.

    • Whatever Jesus is doing to soften your heart toward religious people is an awesome thing. It will help heal so much in you. However, just to be clear, when I pray for the bride I am not praying for what we traditionally call the “church”. I am praying for people who may be lost in religion, or trauma, or selfishness whom Jesus is inviting to himself, and for the true and faithful who have followed him into oblivion sometimes because of the rejection of others. This is his bride, scattered throughout the world that draws my heart to prayer.

  3. Hello Wayne, we met in altanta in 2015,my then wife and i had been struggling with coming out of abusive church and trying to embrace living loved concept but did not survive the carnage. She and I divorced and went seperate ways. I have been struggling with the church she went to and there findings of what i believe is not in the bible. Although I like many of your friends just want to live loved and love others it has left me alone and broken. My walk with Jesus and Father with the spirit has been bitter sweet. Lots of ups and downs but remains foundational to all i do or do not do÷). Feel led to community but have not found it yet. If you know anyone up here in Minnesota and have liberty to help us connect please let me know. Just reaching out brother. Thanks for all you,your wife and Kyle do and suffer for. Your stories have hit home so many times and at the right moments that I am forever grateful…
    Thanks again,

    • I’m so sorry, Patrick, that your marriage did not survive the carnage. What a sad statement, but many have been down that road. Jesus is there too with hope and direction through the loneliness. Where in Minnesota are you? I know some folks in Duluth and some in north Minneapolis/St Paul. Email me if you want me to help make a connection. But loneliness isn’t answered by more people; it is answered first inside your relationship with him. Invite him into your loneliness and find your bearings in him. Let his love wash over you, and then let him provide the community he desires for you, just by loving the people around you and those who might cross your path. As you become to care about them, you’ll find community growing around you, even if they aren’t people who believe the same things you do. Remember, community is the fruit of relationship not the source of it. I know it may look insurmountable, but Jesus is up to the challenge. He has a way forward for you into whole-hearted living.

  4. This may help address some of whats ailing us. Its a video about what Gods view of sin might look like and how this unique bible based perspective married together with Richard schwartz IFS therapy model is bringing Gods healing of trauma to many Christians. Id enjoy as always listening to your thoughts on it.

    Randy Reynolds
    God bless you and Sarah ….Shalom

    • I’m sorry, Randy, I just don’t get time to dive into all the podcasts and books people recommend to me. I’m familiar with IFS therapy models and think they are incredibly helpful. How does this interview tie that together with God’s view of sin. Does she address it?

  5. I’ve listened to almost all of your podcasts. She addresses the issue of original sin and her perspective of how it relates to IFS therapy from 34:40 to 40 minutes. This teaching in my opinion also sheds some light on your podcast The restoration to innocence. With a typically Christian taught depravity of man doctrine it locks many into a shame part . This limits a believers ability to do relationship with God in the arena of love rest and play. She also has many incredible insights into your teaching regarding how God might see sin as trauma which of course comes from a source outside of ourselves. Kyle might enjoy this in his question from the previous podcast about performance vs. Living loved and trusting God. Much like Brene Browns teaching this podcast was full of Lazer beams of light. Not at all dissimilar to your podcast. TY for the reply. Shalom.

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