When Following Him Isn’t Easy (#917) | The God Journey When Following Him Isn’t Easy (#917) | The God Journey

When Following Him Isn’t Easy (#917)

The way of Jesus in a world of chaos is not as easy as some would have you believe. Wayne and Kyle discuss the difficult road we face when Jesus invites us to challenge the darkness that deceives us from within, to respond with love when others give us vengeance, or to live with integrity when all around us abandon it for personal expedience. There's a reason why more people aspire to wholeness than are willing to follow Jesus to get there. They also revisit two themes of recent podcasts that have continued to impact their own journeys: holding the difference between aspiration and capacity and finding the redemption story already unfolding in people around us.

Podcast Notes:



One Comment

  1. “…. picking up the refrain of the redemption story that’s already happening…”. Yes. This!

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