Your Redemption Story (#916) | The God Journey Your Redemption Story (#916) | The God Journey

Your Redemption Story (#916)

Beneath the attempts of darkness to twist our lives into ever-greater bondage is the Spirit of God inviting us into the glorious light of God's love and wisdom. Friend, occasional guest, and author Tracey Levinson joins Wayne as they both celebrate the redemption story unfolding in each of their lives and help you find the one unfolding our yours. We find ours best when we find hope in the reality that Father is really good and that he is with us. We help others as we entrust them to God, realizing he has access to them internally and loves them more than we do. When we walk alongside them without fear we know how to encourage our adult children, spouses, or good friends instead of distracting them with our fears and expectations.

Podcast Notes: