Let’s Talk More About Sin (#911) | The God Journey Let’s Talk More About Sin (#911) | The God Journey

Let’s Talk More About Sin (#911)

"I look forward to more podcasts about sin," wrote one listener. The feedback and interest about God seeing our sin the same way Wayne saw Sara's trauma has been nothing short of amazing. This week, Wayne and Kyle dive into a number of emails and blog comments as people expand the conversation through their own stories and perspectives. The theme through it all is our trust in a Father's love that goes beyond our "why questions," beyond shame, and beyond the arrogance that would seek impose God's rules on others as more important than opening the door to his love.

Podcast Notes:


  1. I’ll join in! This subject is really life changing! Been walking with Jesus 55 years new! WOW! Been listening and reading your books since Covid started!
    My wife and I are experiencing a life in Jesus like never before Thanks for all you are doing for the true church!

    BTW have you ever heard of Frontier Alliance International, Dalton Thomas & Joel Richardson et all…?


  2. It’s getting g clearer…
    I’m Every instance in The Bible.
    Trauma happens. They believe or don’t believe God’s word. If they believe, life goes on (God’s works). If they don’t believe, they blame, shame, and cover themselves (our works). Test and see that the Lord is good.

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