“I Don’t Believe You” (#902) | The God Journey “I Don’t Believe You” (#902) | The God Journey

“I Don’t Believe You” (#902)

Have you ever honestly told someone what you thought and they responded, "I don't believe you?" This is where relationships go to die. Of course, if you are lying it will help them not be misled. If, however, you are telling the truth and they don't want to hear it, their unbelief  destroying the relationship. How might this apply to that enigmatic passage where Matthew said that Jesus couldn't do miracles in his home down "because of their unbelief?" Had their lack of faith not earned his working, or was he talking about something else. His work unfolds where people respond to his nudges even when we'd rather not and discover in him the life that truly is life. Kyle and Wayne look to unravel this knot.

Podcast Notes:



  1. Thanks again Kyle and Wayne, the conversation touched elements in Jesus navigating me through. Appreciate your depth of seeing through painful relational grief with the growing reality of Father and Jesus revealing truth to us.

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