Redeeming Love: Good Riddance (#888) | The God Journey Redeeming Love: Good Riddance (#888) | The God Journey

Redeeming Love: Good Riddance (#888)

As Wayne and Sara approach the one-year anniversary of the emergence of Sara's trauma, she joins the podcast to discuss her continued journey to freedom. They look back and celebrate all that Father has accomplished and how their lives have changed. Also, while recently struggling with newfound anger directed at those who abused her, Jesus provided an image and a phrase that dislodged the pain of her past. She saw from the vantage point of a drone rising high above the one square mile where all these tragic things took place; she heard the words "good riddance." Something clicked in her heart that displaced the anger and allowed the abuse of her past to sink into irrelevance. There's much more here about her growing freedom to encourage others on a similar journey.

Podcast Notes:


  1. I am always amazed when a song comes along that goes down deep into the heart and is used by God to bring healing.

    “There was Jesus” sung by Zach Williams and Dolly Parton is one those songs, of late, that has reached deep into my heart as well. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37wV6D49iEY)

    Another song that God recently used to dispel great shame was “He Has Time” from a ministry called the Common Hymnal (https://commonhymnal.com/songs/he-has-time) and speaks directly to sexual abuse.

    I am not sure what moves me every time with these two songs, but I think they both make real the fact of the ever-present Jesus in our lives even at the lowest points, and as we become aware of His presence again, we are overwhelmed by his love and mercy.

    As I watch how Jesus mends my heart and life, and as I hear your story of redemption and healing, I can only worship Him.

  2. Sara I am so grateful for you sharing your story. I t gives me hope as a mid-70’s senior…I have memories from about 3 or 4 up to 12-13 of abuse and I so long to walk out of the place of the lack of childhood memories, and current lack of emotions and lack of attachment with others or knowing who I am. Maybe the Lord also has me on a path to healing. May I be open to His path. God bless you for being willing to share.

    • That’s what Sara hopes for most–that others caught in trauma as well will realize it is never too late to behold him at the core of our pain and let him draw us into his healing. I pray you will find that and the support you need to walk through it. I admire your courage and your hope. This is a journey well worth taking.

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