All in on God’s Reality (#879) | The God Journey All in on God’s Reality (#879) | The God Journey

All in on God’s Reality (#879)

How often have we white-knuckled our way into a compromised version of obedience only to find that it didn't work. In this episode, Kyle and Wayne discuss the tendency of human leadership to be corrupted by indulgence, excess, or control issues. Even David, a man after God's own heart was plunged into rape and murder by the seduction of power and its sense of entitlement. Being successful in ministry and being successful in Christ's mission are not the same thing. Will we allow God to invite us into his reality even in our most crushing moments and find freedom from our imposter selves, or will those imposters take over in our unrelenting quest for comfort and control?

Podcast Notes:
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The next session of the Jake Colsen Book Club will be held Saturday, February 4, at 1:30 pm PST.  You'll have to work that out in your own time zone. This one will be on chapter 8, Unplayable Lies, which deals with how God grows our trust and the danger of trying to save ourselves. We will stream it live on my Facebook Author Page, but if you want to be part of the conversation, you can get a link to the Zoom Room by emailing Wayne and asking for it.

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