Falling Into God’s Way of Loving (#865) | The God Journey Falling Into God’s Way of Loving (#865) | The God Journey

Falling Into God’s Way of Loving (#865)

The love we want from God may not be the love God knows we need to experience. How can we embrace his fullness if we're always judging him by our expectations? As Ann Voskamp says in Waymaker, "God is love, but if we get it turned around and make being loved our God, we will get lost in self." This is a continuing look at love, rest, and play and how we enter into a transformative relationship of affection with the God who loves us more than anyone ever has.

Podcast Notes:
Redeeming Love Podcasts
Ann Voskamp's Waymaker
Loving our Kids on Purpose
Keep up with Wayne and Sara's RV journey by liking Wayne's Author page

The next session of the Jake Colsen Book Club will be held Saturday, September 24, at 11:00 am PDT.  You'll have to work that out in your own time zone. We will be covering Chapter 6 on Father God or Fairy Godmother as we look at our expectations about God and hs love for us. We will stream it live on my Facebook Author Page but if you want to be part of the conversation, you can get a link to the Zoom Room by emailing Wayne and asking for it,


  1. Thank you for speaking honestly about this topic! Being a very interested sheep who’s wandered the wilderness of my own rebellious life choices the root of which was planted in my formative years by my earthly father with physical and emotional abuse. Trying desperately to feel loved by God in my condition of brokenness is an exercise in futility barring a magic wand experience with God which I believe as you do is entirely possible but not likely. Recently I’ve revisited the prayer of Jabez in this context of finding out what Father’s love might look like for me. My only relational memory of my relationship with God is being saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit at age 9. The experience is indelibly etched in my mind and it’s the only concept of God I have to cling to . Living a lifetime filled with spiritual idolatry interspersed with fervently pursuing an experience with God has been my pattern to present day at age 60. Some days I believe I’m at the trailhead and believe I’ve surrendered my agenda of fixing myself so as to be loved and accepted by God as well as desperately desiring to feel His loving affections even for a moment. Thank you again for being such a wonderful light in my life pointing me to a loving Father who’s so difficult for me to see with my mind and heart so twisted and tangled as it is. Please continue providing your invaluable honest sharing about how to persevere in this desert wilderness. Knowing Kyle grew up with a rageaholic earthly father as I did I pray you do more podcasts related to that specifically. I’ve been looking, listening and learning from all of you the last year and thanks again for sharing and gently and patiently teaching me.

    • It breaks my heart that anyone has to deal with this Randy, but I’m so blessed to hear that you are. Your father’s rage doesn’t define the heart of the True Father, but it is a hurdle to get over to see the Father as he really is. I’m praying he shows that to you.

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