Redeeming Love: The Aftermath (#861) | The God Journey Redeeming Love: The Aftermath (#861) | The God Journey

Redeeming Love: The Aftermath (#861)

How do you get back to the regularly-scheduled podcast after the story that has unfolded here in the last seven weeks? That's the challenge for Kyle and Wayne as they talk about the aftermath of doing a series like Redeeming Love as they were living in it. Looking back, they talk more about relational repair and the glue that can draw together broken relationships with God's healing. But that takes both parties willing to move toward honesty and tenderness, and there is precious little of that in our conflicted culture. Those who follow Jesus need the strength of character to be misunderstood and continue to be kind and vulnerable, knowing that in their weaknesses, God's glory unfolds best.

Podcast Notes:
Redeeming Love Podcasts
Follow Wayne and Sara's RV journey by "following" or "liking" his Facebook Author Page


  1. “Compassionate Attention”…I love that and would love to hear more about this on a future podcast. Thank you for this encouragement.

  2. I wonder if in a future podcast you could discuss a few things that I, along with a lot of survivors of abuse and trauma, struggle with:

    • how to trust God or to feel like he’s a a good parent when he didn’t protect you or intervene in any way while you were being abused. And dealing with the knowledge that any earthly parent would do anything to protect their children from abuse and stop it if they knew it was happening but yet God is there while it is happening, sees it and does nothing. How can you come to view him as a father or parent when he hasn’t acted like one. How can you ever trust him?

    • When the person who abused you is a Christian who prays and speaks to God, why would you want anything to do with God if he loves the person who abused you and damaged you so deeply and permanently? If God loves me, how can God possibly love the man who abused me? How can God forgive him or even bear to listen to his prayers? Surely if he loved me, he would cut off the person who abused me? Surely it would be a betrayal for God to still be in contact with him?

    • Should survivors ever be asked to forgive their abusers? I can’t imagine ever even wanting to try to forgive him. What would forgiving them even look like in this context? What does it actually mean to forgive? Does God want us to forgive them?

    Talking about these things in a podcast might help a lot of people.

    • Yes, those are all great questions. Thank you for asking those. I’m sure there are many others with the same questions, so Kyle and I will try to tackle them in a future podcast.

  3. I hope my previous comment that I left didn’t go straight into the junk/deleted comments folder due to the email address being made up – I just wasn’t comfortable in giving my real email address and I wanted to be anonymous. The questions were genuine though and I’d really love to hear your thoughts on them in a podcast. I think a lot of other people have those questions too.

    • I’m sorry, I did not get yours posted earlier. We do not edit content because people want to remain anonymous. I understand completely. While I’m on the road, however, I don’t have time to watch the comments during the day and post them as soo as they come in. I’m sorry to give you some concern here. This was as soon as I was able to get to a computer and post it. Blessings to you and much love, whoever you are! God knows and loves, and I’m glad you’re thinking through the difficult questions.

  4. Thank you J for asking WONDERFUL questions. Wayne and Kyle, thanks for when you can share your thoughts on processing those areas of challenging navigating. I struggle with those same concerns and I know that J, me are part of a larger group who are carrying the same pain. Blessings, Sue

  5. I hope the podcast that got deleted/eaten up wasn’t the one dealing with J’s questions. They’re really excellent questions and need addressing. I was looking forward to hearing them be discussed!

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