Redeeming Love: Relational Repair (#859) | The God Journey Redeeming Love: Relational Repair (#859) | The God Journey

Redeeming Love: Relational Repair (#859)

This is part six of a seven-part series unpacking a very personal story of pain, trauma, redemption, and resurrection in Wayne and Sara's journey. How does a couple come back from such a horrible challenge to find joy and humor again? Relationships, like anything else that gets damaged, can be repaired with careful and compassionate attention by each to the wounds of the other, owning the pain each caused and forgiving the mistakes of the other. That's where love and trust find a fertile bed to flourish once again.

Podcast Notes:
Previous podcasts with Sara - Learning Love More Deeply (2012)  •  Finding Our Way to Us (2020)  •  Finding Our Way to Us Part 2 (2020)
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.
Try Softer by Aundi Kolber
Being Known Podcast with Curt Thompson, MD - Season 4 is about unpacking trauma
Helpful video:  How to Find a Therapist


The next session of the Jake Colsen Book Club will be held Saturday, August 20 at 1:00 pm PDT.  You'll have to work that out in your own time zone. We will be covering Chapter 5 on Love with a Hook and how crooked twists that religion puts on love.  We will stream it live on my Facebook Author Page but if you want to be part of the conversation, you can get a link to the Zoom Room by emailing Wayne and asking for it,


  1. Thanks for insights in God Journey. Have you done a series on the epidemic of adult christian children abandoning, cutting off their older parents. Our daughter and her husband, both christians(?), cut us out of their lives, cut us off from our 4 sweet grand-daughters after bonding with them their entire lives. Of course, your first question would be, “well, what did you do?” Nothing to deserve this, for sure. Our “sin” was simply disagreeing with our daughter. There are hundreds of these stories .. in our churches today. I know of one pastor who has cut off his christian mother for over 10 years. How can this be tolerated within our churches??

  2. Once again, thank you, Sara, for sharing your story. As I was listening to the end of this one, I was reminded of how I coped with my sexual trauma at the age of 12 by my brother’s teenage friend. “Just comply and you won’t get hurt” is what I told myself. What I realized today is this is how I dealt with emotional abuse from men later in life. Just comply and you won’t get hurt. But I did get hurt emotionally then and later. At twelve, I learned to hide under the bed when the boy would come over. Later in life, I also hid. I hid my truth, I hid my courage to say no.
    I also want to say how encouraging it is to know through your story that we are never too old to receive healing. Jesus and Father don’t forget. You are only a few years older than me, and somehow that is encouraging for me.

    • Sharon, I’m so sorry for the assault you suffered at such a young age, and unfortunately, too many people dealt with it as you did. I’ll try to hide and hope it all goes away. Only it doesn’t. For your loss of innocence, having to live unseen, and for carrying this burden alone for too long, I want to offer you my sorrow and love. May his healing flow to you like river of delight from your Father’s heart. May he help you recapture your innocence before him and your freedom to live widely in the world.

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