Transforming Love #2: (#845)


We're back for a new edition of The God Journey as Wayne and Kyle continue their exploration of how living loved increasingly sets us free from the gravity of the world's brokenness to live in the realm of the Spirit.  They discuss how to recognize God's nudging when he appears in the circumstances we face. Unfortunately, we have substituted our logical application of Scripture for the revelation of God's Spirit and the human effort of seeking him for the recognition of how God is seeking us. Following him is a real adventure of engagement rather than finding a set of principles to implement. Even in our most dire trials, he is with us offering his path through them to greater freedom and transformation. (If you have any specific questions about this part of the journey, please write Wayne at and they will try to answer them on a future podcast.)

Podcast Notes:
Scriptures explored in this podcast include Matthew 4:4 and Galatians 3:1-5.


  1. “Unfortunately, we have substituted our logical application of Scripture for the revelation of God’s Spirit and the human effort of seeking him for the recognition of how God is seeking us.”

    Ugh! The depth of saturation in religious thinking does not even allow a moment for a sentence like this to sink in. What an impossible task to stand in a contextualized podium with a band behind you and surrounded by religious symbols, all eyes on you awaiting your exegesis, and then to say, “It’s like the wind…” “You must be born again!” Preaching this sermon to vacant expressions is always such a helpful reminder that if He doesn’t come, there is no going.

  2. Thanks Kyle and Wayne for processing this in a way we all can hear. Blessings, Sue

  3. Back in 2017 when I was living in Modesto, California (living in Eastern Tennessee now), God and I were having a conversation as I was driving over the Coral Hollow Pass at 4 am on my way to work in Livermore.
    My question to Him was about finding a different line of work and what is His purpose for me now at 56 years old.
    That led to asking Him, “What are the talents you gave me that I may have buried somewhere?” Because I can do and have done a lot of stuff in my life out of necessity.
    I searched my heart for what fulfills me and I blurted out to Him, “Writing! I love to write! But God, who wants to read what I write about? Sure family and friends enjoy it, but how can I make a living at that?”

    His reply, “If you write it, they will come”.
    I laughed out loud and felt His wink. I love His sense of humor with me! But I also knew what He meant. “You do your part, Sharon, and leave the rest to me”.
    He speaks through movies and music to me. Not too long after that day on another commute to the same job, He had the radio play the song “Help is on the Way” by Little River Band. I sensed He was encouraging me for some reason. Shortly after I began my work, I lost my job, and began a whole new journey. I’d also like to note a billboard sign in Livermore that states “You’re Journey Begins Here”.
    This Spring, I graduated as a first-time college student with an Associate degree in Health Sciences Magma Cum Laude in a completely different state. I received high recognition for my writing in English, Sociology, Nutrition, and Humanities. I believe God gave me some education to brush up my skills for whatever reason I don’t know yet. His ways are surely a mystery.
    I’m gonna go cry now grateful tears. Thank you Kyle and Wayne for everything you shared in this podcast.

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