Falling Into Place (#826) | The God Journey Falling Into Place (#826) | The God Journey

Falling Into Place (#826)

We look at the times and wonder if our whole world is falling apart, what if Jesus looks at the same circumstances and sees that things are falling into place?  That would sound more like God's view. Since there is nothing he can't work good out of, and he is going to sum up all things in himself, maybe that's a view we can embrace as well. Wayne and Kyle reflect on what they have learned from the podcasts on Mars Hill and Liberty University and why so many "successful" Christian institutions fall for the same old traps of excess and hypocrisy. They also talk more about the our how evangelicals came to see masculinity as so confrontative and rough, while the fruits of the Spirit are more seen as feminine virtues.

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  1. This was a wonderful discussion. Parts of it had a “Shack” feel to it. I love the book, by the way. Some parts reminded me of when I first began my transition in becoming “untamable” (I think I am using that term in the right context.).

    Thanks again for your honesty and insight. I really appreciate it.


  2. Wayne & Kyle, as usual this was another delightful conversation. This peanut from the gallery enjoyed it. Something that came to mind as I listened was a quote from one of my favorite authors.
    “The world for which you have been so carefully prepared is being taken away from you, by the grace of God.”
    Walter Brueggemann

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