Healing from Childhood Trauma (#824) | The God Journey Healing from Childhood Trauma (#824) | The God Journey

Healing from Childhood Trauma (#824)

Every person needs someone whose eyes light up when they enter a room, especially kids in trauma. Anna LeBaron, personal growth activist and the author of The Polygamist's Daughter, joins Wayne and Kyle for a conversation about the trauma of her childhood, the process of being healed from such an abusive past, and what she thinks of the growing conflict between government leaders and public school students, especially those from religiously authoritarian homes. Anna was born into a polygamist cult with a violent father who used his kids for slave labor and neglected their needs. She talks honestly about the trauma that upbringing caused and her tenacious quest for healing in her adulthood. Looking back, would she have wanted to be rescued by an outside agency? She confronts the difficulty of crafting a one-size-fits-all policy for such situations and shares the most important thing anyone can do to reach out to traumatized children.

Podcast Notes:
Anna's Web Page
Order The Polygamist's Daughter 
U.S. Should Ban 'Authoritarian' Homeschooling by Christian Parents  By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times
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  1. I listened to this twice and I’m sure encouraging to anyone going through it. I just couldn’t accept Anna’s response to ‘would you wanted to have been rescued’ … Esp since she started with saying every imaginable abuse occurred in her family situation and so terrible that she ran away .
    Anyway, I think Anna is amazing for all she’s suffered and overcome, an inspiration to others. Anyone heard of Gabor Mate … Apparently he specializes in childhood trauma.

    • Hi JKB. I think part of the confusion might be with the timeframe of Anna’s answers. At 13 she did think getting away was the answer but on her terms instead of going into foster care. At a younger age, I think her answer was it was all she knew and it would have been scary to separate her from that to go live with strangers. It’s amazing how much fun kids have together inside an abused life since they have no frame of reference to know how horrible their life is.

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