At the Cliff’s Edge (#819) | The God Journey At the Cliff’s Edge (#819) | The God Journey

At the Cliff’s Edge (#819)

When our journey brings us to the place of giving up our illusions about our own ability to control the outcome of our circumstances, the impulse to provide for ourselves, and resisting the fear of feeling vulnerable, we can feel like we've been left on a cliff's edge. But it is precisely at that moment that we are most receptive to what God is doing in us and around us. When he becomes the source of our comfort, instead of the circumstances we want, there's where we will see his leading and have the courage to follow him. When we make it about ourselves and our needs, we will easily miss out. This is a process and Kyle and Wayne take a look at it through the emails of some of our listeners and share how important it is to have God-sensitive voices helping us process some of the more difficult choices we may have to make.

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One Comment

  1. Good topic.

    I like the title..
    – At the Cliff’s Edge.
    I have been there..several times.
    – During my journey.


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