The Beauty of Selflessness (#813) | The God Journey The Beauty of Selflessness (#813) | The God Journey

The Beauty of Selflessness (#813)

Luis, from My Friend Luis, returns to the God Journey to talk about the impact the podcast has had on his life and his continued healing from the trauma of the night his father died. He and Wayne talk about why it is so hard to see Jesus in the painful stretches of our journey and how he wants us to view life from a different perspective. Jesus is the one who can keep us through pain, and yet pain is one thing that often keeps us from Jesus. Our expectations about what God should do, often keep us from seeing the very things he is doing to be triumph in the midst of our tragedies. They also discuss Rapha, his place in Luis' story, and how our tendency to idolize the supernatural often prevents us from experiencing it.

Podcast Notes:
Facebook Page for planning a gathering of twenty and thirty-somethings
My Friend Luis, the podcast
Order Wayne's new book Live Loved Free Full


  1. Thanks for sharing this stuff with us… I appreciate you keeping it focused on Jesus.

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