Prostituting Your Passion (#810) | The God Journey Prostituting Your Passion (#810) | The God Journey

Prostituting Your Passion (#810)

Burn-out may be the result of turning something lovely God gives us to bless others and turning it into a vocation so that it primarily serves me. After a brief conversation about Hebrews 10 and Christianity's focus on sin, Kyle's provocative question invites Wayne into a conversation about exploiting our passion in a way that causes us to lose the freedom and joy of that which we love. It happens in all kinds of professions and creative endeavors. What are the pitfalls of losing our passion or compromising our hearts, especially when we think we're doing something God put on our hearts?  They contemplate the dangers of monetizing God's gifts or using vulnerability as a tool to exploit the concern and compassion of others.

Podcast Notes:
Facebook Page for planning a gathering of twenty and thirty-somethings
Past Podcasts with Kyle
My Friend Luis, the podcast
Order Wayne's new book Live Loved Free Full


  1. This interaction was so insightful and convicting. I realize that so often I share my heart with the hope or desire to elicit an emotionally supportive response. Thank you. Though I long to be, I’m just not very secure in His love.

  2. I just loved this one! Thank you! I love studying & teaching His word and I am the leader of a large Bible Study and obligation can so easily become the forefront and I try to guard against that and just cherish the joy of getting to teach His word week to week. This was so insightful and such a great reminder to walk with my hands open in this, because loving it can turn into me clinging to it and I don’t want to cling to the work but to cling to the spirit and let him put things in my hand and take things out of my hand in their season in His time. Thank you guys!!

  3. I so resonate with this. I have for years keep my passion for arthe as my self care process. I also came to the realization after leading a small group fo the church we attend for last two years had become more of what I had experienced when I served as pastor. (27 years in congregation ministry. )As much as love en gaging other and walking with them in their journey. It became a process of other wanting answers, other wanting fixes to their issues, rather than embracing the Journey of discovering what God is doing. It was becoming a laborious task that was sucking the life out of me. So I decicided to withdraw and focus on my journey. Waking each morning to embrace what God has for me each day. The reality of God leading and bringing me to the making has lifted a burden I feel liberated by God’s Grace.

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