When Charisma Outruns Character (#808)
"Their ability rose them to prominence before their character was ready for it." A new podcast by Christianity today called The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill is a forensic study on how a church in Seattle founded by Mark Driscoll could rise to such prominence, even as people were being battered and bullied by leadership, and how did it cease to exist. Their podcast asks some critical questions in how we view the "church" of our day and why we exalt leaders with such little character and why the body count of failed leaders continues to grow. After a brief conversation about the difference between how married couples fight and how they can explore a journey to "us". Wayne and Kyle offer their takes on this new podcast. Why are the qualities necessary to run a religious machine diametrically opposed to the priorities of Jesus' kingdom? And, in a surprising article about business leadership, they explore four important characteristics of good leaders.
Podcast Notes:
The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill Podcast
How Can You Be Sure Someone Has What it Takes to Lead People?
Past Podcasts with Kyle
My Friend Luis, the podcast
Order Wayne's new book Live Loved Free Full
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