When Our Structures Crumble (#805) | The God Journey When Our Structures Crumble (#805) | The God Journey

When Our Structures Crumble (#805)

As the wind of the Spirit shifts in these days, it should not be a surprise to see some of the beloved castles we have built out of our own insecurity, crumble as he invites us deeper into a life of trust in his love and direction. Kyle and Wayne talk about how this is happening in their own lives and our immediate responses to put the crumbling pieces back together instead of discovering what Father has for us beyond them. They talk about being invited into the wild with God instead of sticking to the trails that may have served us well in the past and how to negotiate the dilemma of toxic people in our lives that seek to distract us from the path God has called us to follow.

Podcast Notes:
Order Tessa Van Wade's book:  Out of the Shadows 
Email Kyle
Past Podcasts with Kyle
My Friend Luis, the podcast
Order Wayne's new book Live Loved Free Full


  1. I believe Father’s glory is on display here….resonated with this conversation as similar realities are playing out in my current situation. How wonderful to see greater freedom in the crumbling exhaustion of our efforts to control. The walk of relationship with him continues…..

  2. When my trail took me into free range so much started to crumble it was a little disorienting. It didn’t help that also at the same time lies and character assassinations started happening. To defend myself or the ministry that God started never even arose. We had nothing to prove or lose because it wasn’t “ours” if it belonged to anyone it was Papa’s. I had genuine compassion for these people who were attacking me. Because I had a elder brother sage at the time who said “can you imagine the God they are living with”. He was having a pharisectomy so he was familiar with the upset that comes to people who are angry with people who choose to live in freedom. Not license to do whatever you want but genuine relational understanding and Love. Years later these people have slowly come one by one to apologize for spreading the lies and rumors. Only to have new ones take their place. None of this stops what God is doing on the Earth and in His Kids. He loves us all too much and His Son died for our freedom on the trail of Love. Nothing stops us now. His Kingdom comes and His Will be done.

  3. Wayne,

    As for the “Yucky” stuff you referred to, God knows that people are blind to how He’s walking them through. You’re absolutely right with your analysis. God is showing His people how He brings Eph 1:11 into fruition “In him we were also chosen,[e] having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, “. We must walk WITH Him through the Yuck & Muck, in order to understand and appreciate the reward that is coming. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

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