Love. Rest. Play. (#797) | The God Journey Love. Rest. Play. (#797) | The God Journey

Love. Rest. Play. (#797)

What if the best demeanor to be sensitive to God and his work in the world is by living in the reality of his love, at rest in his work, and in childlike playfulness with our Father?  That's exactly what religious performance has destroyed in those who seek to walk with God. By teaching them to live in fear of God's punishment, to try harder to earn God's favor, and by excelling in human effort, we have disarmed would-be Christ-followers of the most important freedoms to be his vessels in the world. Kyle and Wayne discuss this current reawakening in their hearts and how it would change our interactions with the world in a way that would more reflect the nature of Jesus. Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give up his life as a ransom.

Podcast Notes:
My Friend Luis, the podcast
View here: The God Journey After-Show on Sunday, April 11
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Order Wayne's new book Live Loved Free Full

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  1. Wayne, Kyle, you both have been covering so much material in these last few months… where to begin? There have been many topics discussed. It reminds me of Paul’s talk of the groaning of all creation as with labor pains. But more specifically Wayne has spoken of HOPE, expectancy of something good on the horizon, the Pearl of Great Price!.

    I, too, am hopeful, cautiously optimistic. I wish I were recklessly optimistic, but I’m not there yet.

    Two days ago I started asking a few people how they would envision “a perfect world”
    I have this friend John. John was raised in a Catholic family, but as the adult I’ve known for almost 35 years he doesn’t identify as Catholic, Christian, or anything specific, although he does consider himself to be spiritual, just not religious. Also, he has stated that he believes books like “The da Vinci Code”, contains truth’s about Jesus and Christianity in general. And yet he was the one who got my attention 7 years ago when he told me he had read “The Shack”. I’d been warned about the shack by Heresy Hunters and Doctrine Police out there. After I listened to “the Shack”, I asked John how he would, in as few words as possible, describe the book. His answer; Healing.

    So yesterday, in a text I asked John to give it some time and describe to me what “a perfect world” would be like. See our text dialog as follows.

    John: I often imagine what a “garden of Eden” could have been like and was there ever a time when the Earth actually was one for its living! …I imagine that there actually was a time when that is all people had to do to survive, almost like an Eden. In future perfect world it would be after some catastrophe removed most of Earth’s inhabitants and the remaining could go back to gathering and simpler living. . . . For real if those elites who attend Davos would emerge with a plan to trickle down their wealth and cash flow to benefit the entire work and make peace and abundance normal for everyone.

    Perry: I’m in! Your mention of the garden of Eden being restored is mostly the whole point of Jesus’ mission. The restoration of all things. If one of the many billionaires attending Davos encountered a homeless individual and the two of them began a dialogue for which they came up with a plan to sort of do what you are saying. And they both agreed to attempt to making it happen by each offering up 10% of both their current assets and 10% of their future income, for the remainder of their lives, would you also be willing to join them?

    John: Yes, an assessment of all my assets that everyone does! For peace and prosperity!

    Perry: Paradoxically, the world could do this, or at least start this today and I believe that nearly everyone wants it, probably even many of the 1%.

    OK, a couple of observations about our TXT msg interchange here, First, without knowing it, and in spite of being kind of a new agey guy, John is kind of hoping for the Good-News of the Kingdom of God. Second, it sounds like even though he might not believe in any real truth in the Bible, he does kind of allude to an Apocalypse preceding the perfect world of his imagination.

    In the West, particularly among evangelicals, there is this “Certainty” about all-things last days related, that 200 million people have to die before Christ can set up his eternal Kingdom on Earth. Do I are hope that this Dispensational view of the future makes us accept the idea of endless war and not see a need to pray “Thy Kingdom Come, on Earth as it is in Heaven”?

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