Courage in the Face of Uncertainty (#795) | The God Journey Courage in the Face of Uncertainty (#795) | The God Journey

Courage in the Face of Uncertainty (#795)

Wayne is undergoing a renaissance in his prayer life while Kyle is excited about launching a new coaching service in adulting for younger people. All of it leads to a delightful conversation discussion about growth, taking on risk aversion, and how even the smallest glimpses from God can mean the difference between fruitfulness and stagnation. And a statistic that could liberate all perfectionists, Wayne shares the most amazing statistics he has ever heard In the fog of war, successful generals will misperceive what's going on 95% of the time.  Defeated generals misperceive 99% of the time. Everything hinges on that 4%. If you want to find more courage to walk through uncertainty, this is the podcast for you.

Podcast Notes:
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Order Wayne's new book Live Loved Free Full


  1. Today’s podcast was delightful! Kyle, I so enjoy your interaction with Wayne. You are an incredible young man, bright, articulate and curious, a critical thinker for sure which will definitely serve the young people you come along side of, I think. I appreciate your authenticity. You demonstrate wonderful skill that seems well balanced with your humility. I find listening to the two of you refreshing.

    I have been meaning to comment on how much I look forward to your conversations and today seemed to be the day. Thank you both for sharing who you are and who you are becoming. Absolutely beautiful.

  2. Very interesting to hear your reflections on prayer and God’s playfulness. Thank you.

    Concerning adulting, I wonder whether the phenomenon in recent decades of focusing so much on the need for good grades etc to ace the college admissions process has meant that students have been pushed to do nothing but that which drives those grades or builds the academic resume. I am a child of the 80s but went to a very academic school in which my peers and I were very much pushed in that direction — and it took me years to process that and learn to adult.

    The other major change in recent decades in the US has been the huge rise in the cost of college. Is it any wonder that young adults who have been trained to be star academic performers with little other training in life, whose families are often broken or whose parents are absent and disconnected due to their own work, who do not have the support of an extended family or sense of local community, and who exit college both financially overburdened as well as disillusioned by the fact that the golden ticket college degree didn’t open the doors it was supposed to, are feeling fear, a state of paralysis, and asking who they can trust to show them the way forward?

    I have a lot of sympathy for them. The outcome of their experience passing through this system and social construct seems both natural and predictable. I hope you can find ways to help these people. I went through so much of this on my own and am still processing through counseling and in my relationship with God.

  3. Interesting observations about God’s playfulness. On the face of it at first it seems irreverent, but in reality God is the greatest creator of all that is playful. We just have to look at the animal kingdom and see that play is hardwired into all the species, whether it is our family pets to the great sea creatures in the wild. Who doesn’t love to watch animals play? I love how Psalm 148 talks about how all of the animal species praise God, and one of the ways they do that is by reflecting the natural characteristics of playfulness.
    Also children were attracted to Jesus for a reason. No child is attracted to a serious unsmiling killjoy, but to someone who is playful and fun to be around.

  4. It does show how Christianity has so easily embraced the austere view of God from the Old Testament, rather than seeing Jesus as the reflection of the Father’s image. He had his serious moments, but he was incredibly playful with children, with strangers, and with his disciple.

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