Gaze With Me (#792) | The God Journey Gaze With Me (#792) | The God Journey

Gaze With Me (#792)

"Don't gaze at me, gaze with me." That seemed to be God's invitation to a group Wayne was praying with a few weeks ago. The ramifications of that have gone deep into his prayer life, not just with that group, but in so many other places in his journey with God. He shares that experience with Kyle and how it is reshaping his heart.  Also included in this episode is the momentum that corporate prayer can have and how the supernatural intervention of God often seems so understated when it happens and only by hindsight do you realize just how awesome it was.

Podcast Notes:
Email Kyle
Past Podcasts with Kyle
The Jesus Lens
See the trailer for Wayne's new book: Live Loved Free Full
Order Wayne's new book Live Loved Free Full


  1. A time of deep transition shifts out presumptuous notions into the reality of us in Him, there because of what He alone has done. It’s humanly impossible to place Jesus in the center while fighting to maintain my stance, holding onto the illusion of control. Until what we believe fails to satisfy THE deep longing of true fellowship, we won’t ask the hard questions hoping to see what Father sees. Desperation is often prevalent because of what we wanted which did not happen the way we wanted it to. An internal bending of one’s knee slowly reveals the eternal within daily fellowship with our Savior and Creator. Allowing Him to unfold it before us as we gaze and drink it all in makes for a truly amazing journey.

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