Don’t Stop at the Trailhead (#746) | The God Journey Don’t Stop at the Trailhead (#746) | The God Journey

Don’t Stop at the Trailhead (#746)

He's back!  Brad Cummings, one of the founders of The God Journey, is back during the coronavirus to catch-up with Wayne and then help him process a blog comment from someone who took offense at the recent podcast about "If You..."  He felt we were trying to mix law and grace simply because were were talking about some of the conditional statements Jesus used. It turns out both Brad and Wayne have been a bit confused by those who want to claim "the finished work of Christ" as an excuse not to actually follow Jesus through that grace into a transformed life.  It's kind of like finding the trailhead, but then not following the trail to the fullness of his life.

Podcast Notes:
Previous Podcast on If You...
Latest from Kenya - We Have Completed the Work


  1. Welcome back, Brad….so glad you are doing well. Loved this conversation….so freeing! I love being alone with God during this time because He has a chance to work within me both to will and to do of His good pleasure…..and it’s His good pleasure to give us the kingdom! That pleases Him! I loved this conversation. Thank you! Right up my alley…whatever that means! 😉

  2. Great podcast! Thanks!
    Wonderful to have Brad back!
    Lots of depth of wisdom and spiritual common sense.

    I recommend anyone with a bit of extra time on their hands to go back through some of the archives, as there’s some meaty stuff back there!

  3. For me it seems that you contradict youreself in this podcast ( it is specific for institutionalized church preachers……:)))).
    Brad said….i don,t know what it means to everybody…..this sounds relativism to me. We don,t have certain laws, or we don,t want to have it….
    And after that, you speake about a “conditional sets”….
    I am agree with conditions because the bible speaks about that, but i can see that relativism catched some of us.
    Maybe this violent protests we see in US is the resolt of relativism. That,s why they want to get rid of police. They want to get rid of authority. They hate the authority….

    • Hi Daniel. This is Wayne. I’m unsure where you thought we contradicted ourselves, and I’m really unsure how the violent protests are the result of relativism. Remember the vast majority of protesters are not using or recommending violence. That’s the result of a few criminal types trying to take advantage of a situation to express their rage. Most of the protestors are pointing to a significant problem we have yet to fix in our society.

  4. Great conversation….so glad to have Brad back. I love the interaction between you both. I would also like to know what is happening, if anything, with the movie projects Brad had been working on before the shutdown.

  5. So sorry Wayne. I am voting for you for president. But……. I am voting for Brad for Vice President……

  6. I almost forgot about the whole presidency run Wayne “promised” during this podcast. Thanks for the reminder Mark!

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