The Betrayer’s Journey (#732) | The God Journey The Betrayer’s Journey (#732) | The God Journey

The Betrayer’s Journey (#732)

Our previous podcasts on betrayal caught Amy's ear since she had betrayed her husband by having an affair with a family friend. She didn't get caught but knew she had to come clean with her husband or be devoured from the inside. This is the third in our unplanned series on betrayal—this one from the betrayer's perspective. Amy shares with Wayne how she found redemption in her own life as well and the restoration of her marriage. A cancer survivor, and now the Director of Artistic Expression for Mosaics of Mercy, she shares God's ability to create beauty out of brokenness.  Amy volunteered to tell her story to help others who are also being devoured by the hidden places in their heart. Amy and Tom also co-founded Made For More Ministries to share hope with individuals and families coping with cancer as well as life and marital struggles.

Podcast Notes:
Previous podcasts on betrayal: Beyond Betrayal and The Wounds of the Betrayer
Email Amy
Mosaics of Mercy
Made for Ministries 
In His Grip, Amy's book about her victory through breast cancer
The Latest from Kenya


  1. So I’ve been listening to this podcast for a long long time and I think this one is creme de la creme!!!! Best of the best. I love how this conversation unfolded into the larger story of sin and it’s ripples. You don’t have to be a betrayer to be blessed by this conversation. This was just so beautiful. Thank you Amy and Tom. And of course thank you Wayne for doing this podcast. So cool.

  2. Very powerful. Thank you for sharing so vulnerably and your insights that have been revealed by the Holy Spirit over time.
    Godspeed to both you, Tom and Wayne’s ministry.

    In Him,

  3. Hello,
    I was listening to this episode and you & Amy were discussing the difference between Peter & Judas.
    You mentioned Judas’ situation as being before the cross.
    Since Judas left the Passover before the New Covenant was instituted he was still operating under what he knew – the Old. And in the Old Covenant the payment of betrayal of that kind was blood for blood – life for life.
    After returning the money and confessing his sin, the only other thing he knew to gain forgiveness was life for life.
    Stay Safe & God Bless.

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