Weathering the Pandemic (#730) | The God Journey Weathering the Pandemic (#730) | The God Journey

Weathering the Pandemic (#730)

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the realities of this pandemic, you are not alone. As our precautions against the pandemic move from days into months, how can we settle our hearts through this season and make the most of it? Wayne's daughter, Julie, joins him for this conversation about the challenges her family is facing and the toll this pandemic is taking on so many moms. In a tender conversation, they talk about finding the space to recover from the added stress, learning to partake of grace in daily bites, and how to help our children work through uncertainty in their own future and the loneliness of missing their friends and activities. This is a good time for spouses to have the conversation that ensures the workload is being spread evenly and each is watching out for the other's well-being with the unrelenting tasks they have to handle.

Podcast Notes:
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
The Jesus Story
Previous podcasts with Julie
If You Can Help Us in Kenya
For an invite to The God Journey After-Show
The Latest from Kenya


  1. Julie, I can’t thank you enough for your willingness to share honestly of your feelings and struggles during this time! This was a huge encouragement to me!!! Thank you!!

  2. Thank you Laura. I know it’s such a hard time for so many people and for so many different reasons. I’m so glad you found something here that helped you.

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