Beyond Betrayal (#727) | The God Journey Beyond Betrayal (#727) | The God Journey

Beyond Betrayal (#727)

Betrayal is a central theme in Scripture from Adam and Abraham to Joseph, David, Isaiah, and even Jesus! Perhaps that's because it is so familiar in the brokenness of a fallen world. On a recent trip Wayne ran in a number of conversations about betrayal and talks about that with Kyle Rice of Wyoming who is going through a fresh betrayal of his own. Why do some people value a friendship beyond some momentary gain? How do you not grow bitter when someone cheats you, especially if God doesn't immediately right the injustice you suffer at someone else's hand? And most importantly, how do we move on through those open doors God provides so we don't become the victim and instead continue on our journey with him despite what others have done to us.

Podcast Notes:
Email Kyle
Past Podcasts with Kyle
Kyle's Podcast - Inspired Epic
The Latest from Kenya


  1. Learning to obey Jesus and forgive those who hurt us is a learned response and a process. The deeper the hurt or betrayal the longer it takes to work through. Like everything in our walk with the Lord we are being changed to be like Him. This is a process of learning to put Him first, making Him your first love. When you are centered in your love for Him, He will give you a heart for those who have hurt you. You will be able to first forgive them, even though they abandon you and never ask for forgiveness. Jesus will lead you to be able to pray for them and even ask God’s forgiveness and blessing upon them. After this and time you will find that Jesus has given you a genuine love for them and at the same time given you freedom over the pain of the past.

  2. Hi Jean

    My experience has been a bit different from yours. For myself I needed both honesty and a miracle. Psalm 58 has been a great refuge over the years, what with it wishing your enemies were like aborted fetuses, drinking their blood in revenge, having them dissolve into snail slime. Stuff like that. Honest. About my feelings and my anger, especially at God. To my great surprise, He continued to love me anyway. He has been the one constant in my tumultuous life. His love, his forgiveness, has strengthened me time and again. The miracle. After my honesty about what I was feeling. Truly a wondrous, uncontrolled adventure, never knowing what the next turn in the road may hold.

    From the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe “He is a lion, but He is not a tame one.” Amen to that!

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