The Pandemic and Psalm 91 (#725) | The God Journey The Pandemic and Psalm 91 (#725) | The God Journey

The Pandemic and Psalm 91 (#725)

Psalm 91 is the most searched Psalm on the web right now. It's an amazing Psalm promising God's protection from pestilence and all harm, if we take refuge in him. Many think that these words apply to all believers in all events but is that a fair interpretation of this passage in light of all of Scripture? Bob Prater, one of Wayne's coauthors on A Language Language of Healing for a Polarized Nation, joins way for a consideration of Psalm 91 in the midst of this pandemic, and how can we best see Scriptures like this. Is this a promise we can claim with enough faith, or is thinking it is a false hope that will fail us when tragedy overruns our lives? Trusting him no matter what is far better than trusting the outcome we want.

Podcast Notes:
Previous Podcasts with Bob
Video of Bono and Eugene Peterson discussion the Psalms
Email Bob
If You Can Help Us in Kenya


  1. Would any of you like to talk more about this? We could schedule a Zoom session this weekend if people would like to converse more about it. Leave a comment here, or hit us up with an email via the ‘Contact’ link above.

  2. Of all the many God Journey podcast episodes I have heard and absolutely loved, I believe this one is currently my all-time favorite! What a phenomenal discussion of God’s trustworthiness amidst the challenges of living in a fallen world. I’ve experienced a “crisis of faith” in my own life multiple times after being raised to believe that God always “protects His own” from calamity or despair. Since God began opening my eyes to who and what He really is almost two years ago, I have known immense, inexplicable joy and confidence in His unalterable goodness…even while enduring extreme pain and uncertainty in many aspects of my life. I have witnessed His working on my behalf, and I have seen Him not do what I’ve asked Him to do. But because I’m growing in trusting Him to be my refuge no matter the outcome of any situation, I know peace. Real peace that doesn’t change with the tides of life. Thank you, Wayne and Bob, for examining this topic and for sharing your your thoughts with the rest of us!

  3. People need to ask themselves would God be pleased with their lackadaisical attitude about their fellow humans who are also his creation.

    • A great and possibly better follow-up question might be; “why do some people have such a ‘lackadaisical attitude”?

      In his biography on Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs, author Walter Isaacson recounts an early childhood memory that Jobs shared with him: At 13 years old or so his parents would drop him and his younger sister off at a local Lutheran church on Sunday mornings, and pick them both up after the service was over. (we’re off to a great start already). One Sunday young Steve held up a cover from a recent issue of LIFE magazine with a photo of two orphan-looking African children and a caption that read “Starving Children of Biafra War”, showing it to the pastor he asked the question; “Does God know about this? and what’s going to happen to those children?” The pastor’s response was; “Steve, I know you don’t understand, but yes, God knows about that”. For Jobs, that was the end of his Church attendance, announcing that, “he didn’t want anything to do with worshiping such a god”!
      Well, a lot of people might say, “what can you expect from a young male teen, looking for a reason not to go to church anymore.” When I listened to this audiobook shortly after Jobs’ death in 2011, I couldn’t help wondering if maybe the outcome might have been different if the pastor might have been able to reply something like this to the young Jobs; “Yes Steve, God does know about this and so do we. We have a group of people over there right now, feeding, caring and doing everything we can to make sure that these children and others like them don’t die.”

      Jobs was around 3 years older than me. I was growing up at the same time and probably saw many of the same images as he would have seen in print and on TV. Back then we all saw a lot of this kind of suffering and not necessarily a lot being done to alleviate it. Yes, I’d bet money that many within the Body of Christ were doing things to alleviate some of the sufferings of the era. But in my memory, it was not necessarily what the Church was known for. Could this possibly be why some have this attitude?

  4. I agree with you Wayne. I love the Psalms and Psalm 91 is not an automatic ‘get out of jail free card’ for specific circumstances. To me it is a very comforting Psalm which erases fear from my own heart when I am going through any unsettling events. I like how the last half of the last verse of this Psalm ends. Psalm 91:15….”And I will show him My salvation.” Which is what we all truly desire.
    The one thing I find encouraging with many searching for Psalm 91 on the internet, is that I hope that it indicates people are sincerely seeking to turn their attention to God during these times.

  5. Thank you for this good and sound Podcast.

    The sad mindset of so many of us christians is to control and dictate the outcome of the prayers, confession and of course the reward of our faithfulness, tithes and and and…
    The moment a person does this – they make themselves a (little) god and leave their focus “Jesus”.

    Jesus might have a different way of working out things – some (endurance, hardness..) produce some character 😉

    Is He reliable, is His word true – absolutely
    It doesn’t matter if things run good or bad – my Jesus does not change.
    So in the middle of Covid19 – lets enter into his Rest – and give Him a hug (Covid19 free)

  6. Hey Wayne I always appreciate your work and Ministry. It’s always refreshing. Hopefully when everything settles down you’ll be making your way through the New England area again

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