Everything Changed Overnight (#723) | The God Journey Everything Changed Overnight (#723) | The God Journey

Everything Changed Overnight (#723)

Finally, our entire nation began to take the threat of the coronavirus seriously last week. Sports seasons were cancelled, congregations could no longer meet, entertainment venues closed, and in some cities people were told to "shelter in place", all in hopes flattening the curve of the virus' spread so that the medical needs would not overwhelm our care providers. Kyle Rice joins Wayne Jacobsen as they contemplate the effect this will have on culture as a whole and congregations as they will no longer be able to meet for a season. These are unprecedented times and the future is uncertain. Now, more than ever our trust needs to run deeply into God's ability to care for us no matter what happens around us.

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  1. This was another comforting and encouraging broadcast! Thank you for sharing. From our home in Ermelo, Netherlands.
    Fritz and Hilda Muller

  2. I also know a scripture in the living Bible. Romans 10:22 says “Don’t flaunt your faith.” In the King James it says” Have you faith? Have it to thyself before God! ” It’s used a little bit differently here but when you look at it , I think it can be used other ways. I believe in the 91 st Psalm but I don’t want to flaunt it before unbelievers like nanananana, I’m safe and you’re not. Be still and know He is God. Pray for everyone ?.

  3. Adding a small thought..yes to hear His voice above all the panic and “din”. “Be still…” indeed. Sue

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